I think it would be helpful if you posted more details on what you have, some specifics on past track performance, and your goal and what your willing to do to get there. There are a lot of ways to get there, but I'm not sure that's what you're looking for. 1.7 60ft, ez peezy: slick, gear, converter. Done. But I suspect that's not what you're looking for.
I've said it many times before, any 105 mph-ish b-body can get to a 2.0 60ft with a true street tire, 3.23 and stock like converter without anything exotic. Add a sticky street tire, 1.9.
Battery in the trunk, softest front shocks available, clamp the front springs, unclamp the rear, good snubbed close to the floorboard, good burnout,and driving technique. You might see a small uptick in mph too.
If better et is the ultimate goal, and off point of your question, there are a hand full of other little things to help pick up et too. Stock-ish 440's with tight converters, depending on the induction, can be very shift point sensitive, and retarding the cam might help too. FWIW.