Good luck, I wish for the best for your Mom...
Here's to a full & speedy recovery...
I can't directly help, I suggest getting a professional opinion too
Dr.s are just '
people mechanics', they can be wrong too
they often are, more than you will ever know...
And how many times (?) have an automotive diagnosis been wrong (?)
(I know a lot) even on a guy/person/professional,
that's been in the trades for decades !!!
Dr.'s can be too
get another opinion !!! or 2-3 if need be !!
I don't know how it works in Germany
but (here) you don't have to accept the 1st dr.s opinion
you can get another dr. a specialist maybe to look into it
or maybe a patient advocate,
'supposed to be unbias' as a go threw/voice
(not sure in a socialist medicine aspect or not)
I'm not a Dr. or Lawyer, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn,
but I attempt to play one on a car forum
if you think that is in bad taste, it's not meant to be
been there with my dad, prior to getting a quadruple bypass
& a valve was repaired, a few years back,
down in Modesto at Doctors Hospital
(I was pleasantly surprised 'how good' they actually are)
we eventually found a really good heart dr./true cardiologist
that didn't want to do the bare min.
he wanted to go in & do it right,
not just treat/medicate it, but actually fix it
he even showed US on the screen & explained in detail
what it is & what he'd have to do
sort of dumbed it down for nonmedical people
I have 2 dr's in my family also, 2 of my siblings (a bros. & a sister)
but they aren't heart specialists... not much help either
They went along with the org. prognosis

I'm glad I didn't & wanted a 2nd opinion...
it turns out (luck ?)
I did the right thing, he's far healthier than he was for 20+ years now
still old as dirt, but not ready to keel over anytime soon "yet" (86 y/o now)
Talk to a lawyer also, you may need it to deal with the hospital
again I don't know what it's like in Germany
I know here
we have a great cardiologist, we/I went thru 4 before we found a great one
my father had a
'do not resuscitate order'
after the 1st attempt,
if it failed, not to continue
if he flatlined, he was braindead, that he didn't want to be a
machines keeping him alive
if it went bad
we had to revise that order,
I am & have his (my dad's) power of attorney too
(your mother's husband (your dad ?) probably has that power, I don't know the law there)
I can make that decision
if he is not able to...
My mother had the same deal & my stepfather made the decisions that time
I think he was wrong too...
RIP mom...
I got several opinions after the 1st event,
he was having a heart attack while have a reg. physical, at his reg. dr.
they, had me take him to the hospital post haste, the emergency room
they wanted to do a stint, they sent us in my truck,
down 75+ mile away to get it done
crazy IMO (why not in an ambulance ?)
His arteries were so hard & so bad, from self abuse, alcohol
they couldn't do it, at all...
I'm getting pissed off...
Way too much moving him back & forth, not fixing anything, road miles...
I was worried he'd die in the truck on the way...
Too much BS of just packing the insurance bill, it's all a big business now...
(I assume, for lack of a better reason)
We went to yet another cardiopulmonary specialist, a real cardiologist
so happened to be up here (75+ miles away otherwise) 2 days a week,
we got extremely lucky...
We went thru a couple (4) of them, dad wasn't looking too good
I was worried & some (dr's & nurses) seemed disinterested, because of his age
& he was a mess, in other ways... (I won't go into here)
Saw the one great guy on a Tuesday, he was operated on that Thursday,
for 7+ hrs... & a week in ICU, detoxing, shakes like a mofo,
he had to be kept under to not tear out staples & stitches...
He was kept under heavy anesthesia for 7 days
(because of other issues he had), it being medically induced
& it messes you up
badly & he had to learn to walk & eat again...
He was headed back home or released to a care facility,
up here for a couple of months to rehab, it was a bit tough...
You can get thru it...
(I know crazy huh ?)
Also all of which (rehab & surgery etc.) is/was covered by his Medicare
& his supplemental insurance...
I did some of the stuff, like you're attempting here
on the open forum
but I did it mostly thru PMs/private conversations,
not so much in the open forums (much better that way)...
I do have
some truly good friends here, to bounce ideas off,
or just vent my frustrations... It helps, you know who you are...
And yes, we do have a great batch of resourceful people here
a huge spectrum of knowledge too...
my best wishes