I was a diehard Raider fan too. Grew up in California. My older brother introduced me to football when I was 10 years old. He liked the 49ers, I thought they were gay because they were a San Francisco team. Yes, we in California back in the day knew San Francisco was the fag capitol of the world. But I digress, I picked the Raiders because I thought their helmets were cool. That was 1974 with John Madden coaching and greats like Ken Stabler, Art Shell, Dave Casper, Otis Sistrunck, Jack Tatum, Cliff Branch, Fred Blitekoff, Jim Otto, Bubba Smith, and Gene Upshaw. It was the last good decade to be a Raiders fan. I was a disgruntled Raiders fan from the mid 80’s to present time when Crapperdick started the whole kneeling thing and the NFL went woke. I too quit watching the NFL , because of the whole kneeling thing, and have not regretted it since. Most years I can’t even tell you who is playing in the Superbowl and I don’t care.