I can't count how many times in my lifetime I've heard
"we are going to fall off into the ocean all the coastal region...
I t was a joke then it's still a joke today...
Another useless pissing contest between east & west
both have their attributes...
Some more than others, some worse that others...
At least we have great weather
We do have a **** storm of loser Leadership/some appointed some
elected here, unfortunately, much like many states have today...
Some will be gone the next election cycle too...
We do have 16 million conservative, tax paying & hard working people...
We do have a large majority of people on the govt. dole, an unfair share,
we have a huge, union presence a huge Lefts influence in all the urban areas
a lot is because we have great warm weather, especially the homeless/poor
{well except in the mountains sometimes} it draws them in like locusts
to a fertile crop...
2 major metropolitan {3 if you include parts of I80 corridor} ,
areas that have some nice areas within their borders,
& also have ghettos/slums, inner-shitty's areas like SF Bay Area
& LA/Hollyweird areas...
That dictate most of our extreme politics, while they live behind guard gates
& 30' high fences & claim they are part of the resistance, they are 1%-ers...
Maybe like 1/6th of the land mass here holds "1/2 or more" of all of the
total Calif.'s population...
Most of them are transplants from another completely different "shithole"
or eastern state, somewhere east of the Rockies if not the Mississippi River...
It's a huge & vastly diverse state, we aren't all the same...
We do have our share of transients & transplants all from elsewhere,
they have created a bunch of the mess here, they moved away
from their own "shitholes" homeland/states, countries etc. "shitholes"
& brought their politics here, now many are trying to make this a
"shithole" just like they left to come here, for a better life...
Clueless Libiots...
And we have better weather, probably why most people stay,
but we have the best car culture in the world & US
We do have all seven wonders of the world here in 1 state
it's a vast "Yuge" state with many different areas, "some great citizens"...
You can ski during the day & surf in the afternoon or visa versa,
it's not all the same it's vastly diferent from county to county sometimes,
vastly different 10 miles away even, some are truly polar opposites
just a county over, let alone Coastal & Sacramento's political crap vs
Sierras & much of the valley, ranch land & farms...
We don't all have earthquakes, we don't all have wildfires,
we don't all have mud slides, we don't all have fake/Hollyweird's mentality
let alone most all the fake news BS constantly, all from a bunch of transplants
mostly all from somewhere else...
That probably came here because we have great weather
We do have almost 75%-80% of the state is rural or
mostly rural ranch & farm lands, crops as far as you can see,
huge mountains great beaches, great grass lands, even great desserts
a shitload better weather 
, than any state back east
let alone east of the Mississippi where 70% of the US population lives...
Where most all the taxpayers funds are all spent...
Where most all the lefts politics is spawned & runs rampant...
All long the eastern seaboard, all the way into the Mississippi
&/or Ohio River & Red River valleys & further...
Maybe people should look in their own back yards/states 1st...
Admit your problems 1st...
Look in mirror 1st...
WE are supposed to be the United States not the Divided States
like we were during the past decade of leadership, prior to 2017...
That has pitted good men & against each other...
Just because we are different...
I'm certainly no liberal...
I was born & raised here, I love my home state,
I think it's worth fighting for too, I'm not willing to give it up...
{Like some detractors here love their home state too I'm sure}
& I stayed to fight the transplants of "locusts plight", I didn't "Tuck tail & run"
it was a great state, it's still a very good state, it can be "Great again",
we need a swamp draining/a perg "just like many of the eastern seaboard states",
does too...
At least we have better weather

I'll be enjoying the great weather, going out 4 wheeling, sledding, riding
& be able to be
driving my RR all 12 months this year too,
walk out my back door & know I'm surrounded by vastly open country,
abundant diverse wildlife & good honest/hard working people {
very little crime}
or just drive a few miles up the hill or down the hill & go skiing, fishing, boating,
swimming, shooting/hunting, camping, mountaineering or even surfing too...