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Monroe's 70 GTX

Where did you get the roof lining material that goes under the headliner? Was it some common material you purchase in a roll or?

I picked it up at the local Clark Rubber store. They sell all kinds of rubber matting and this is the underlay they have. It's the same as the padding that goes under the dash that you get from Year One and such. I bought enough to cover the roof, cut it into shape and then used a can of spray glue to put it on the roof.
Windshield install

Ok so the big day arrived and here we go. First off started with cleaning the rubber gasket for any rubber powder residue and cleaned around the windshield area to ensure everything had a nice contaminant free surface. Examined and trimmed the glass edge to ensure no nasty surprises there either. I put a good bead of sealant across the bottom and about 6" up the sides. From there I continued a thinner bead up and across the top and down the other side.
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I then placed the gasket onto the body and put a thin bead of sealant into the glass groove. (I overdid the sealant here and it makes quite a mess when it gets squeezed out, so no need to overdo it here). I don't think that placing sealant in here is 100% necessary but I wanted the extra insurance.
Placed the glass into the bottom groove and ran a rounded edge nylon pry tool along to bring the lip up over the glass. Once the bottom was in I ran the lip up the sides just a bit, and then started to work the top of the glass into the lip from the centre and worked towards the edges. I couldn't work the sides up over the glass due to the top corners sticking out a bit, so I continued along the top, got the corners in and then worked down. I used plenty of windex when working the lip over the glass. When doing the top corners, I found it easier to have one hand inside pushing the gasket up and out, at the same time as running the pry tool along the glass and the lip. Also made it easier with someone to help hold the glass down against the gasket while you are doing this. Once the glass was in, I ran the pry tool right around to ensure the glass was sitting in the lip correctly, and then checked inside as well to ensure the gasket had not come off the body lip anywhere.
Once I was happy with how everything was sitting, I proceeded to run the tool around the locking lip to hold everything in. Again using plenty of windex to keep things slippery.ws4.jpg
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You can see the excess sealant and the mess it makes when you overdo it, but better too much than not enough. Looks so much neater after you have closed up the locking lip. A bit of cleaning up to do but overall pretty happy with the result. A big thank you to resq302 for putting out the how to thread. http://www.forbbodiesonly.com/mopar...3447-68-70-B-body-windshield-installation-101
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If that windshield is anything like mine and Hunts were then I don't think you overdid it at all. I had mine professionally done twice before fixing it myself and it took just what you did to fix it ALLOT OF BUTYL IN A TUBE! Pretty poor design combined with thinner glass = problems, I think AMDs glass is supposed to be the correct thickness but they're really proud of them. A windshield sure makes a difference in the looks, looks great and you won't regret doing it yourself.
Finished off the seat belts and seats and back trim. The carpet is what came with the car. I plan to get some new carpet later on but funds are a bit short at the moment, and it's really not that bad anyway, except for a bit of discolouration in places. Thanks to Kiwigtx for showing some pics on how the front belts are set up. Really coming together now.

Sorting out the belts. :icon_scratch:
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Driver floor left.jpg Driver floor right.jpg Driver seat belts.jpg View attachment 232719
Pass retract and tunnel.jpg Gear shift.jpg console.jpg
Nice work Monroe....looking sharp now inside. :headbang:
'70 Glove box lock

I never had the lock for the glove box, so I bought a trunk and glove box lock set so I could finish off the box and not have to wire it shut. Even though the lock would turn and seem to work sort of, I couldn't get it to stay in, it kept pulling out. After a bit of googling I figured out that I was missing something from the lock housing. I purchased another one on ebay and I thought I'd post a couple of pics to show the difference. I think that the original had been busted off with a screw driver or something and ended up losing the ring piece that holds the lock in.
The first pic shows the original housing.
Gb 1.jpg
Next one is the ebay one.
Gb 2.jpg
With the two together you can see the ring that is pressed onto the housing.
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The ring holds the silver pin at the front of the lock near the key, stopping it from pulling out.
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All works fine now, and its good to have a glove box that shuts without the help of a bit of wire.
Back in post #310, I mentioned only gluing the front edge of the sail panel, and just tucking the top edge in. After trying to put on the rear interior window trim I've changed my mind. I found that if the vinyl is not glued at the top edge, the window trim pushes it down and doesn't leave a nice taught sail panel. I removed both sides and glued them down. Hopefully when putting the trim on again it will slide over the top without crimping the vinyl up.
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Put on the door trims and arm rests and the door wood trim. Does anyone know which way the colours go on the trim? Is it blue to the front or red? I need to chase up some arm rests too as the front ones are a darker shade of green to the trim. But I'll do that later down the track when the finances climb a bit more. Also put in the visors and the rear view mirror.
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I think you have it right. Because of the remote mirror hole, I know for sure how this piece goes.
GTX door trim.jpg
Thanks Photon440, it's good to know I fluked one for a change. :VB toast:

Driver's door ;)
That doesn't match the driver door trim I posted above. Perhaps the factory wasn't that fussy?
That doesn't match the driver door trim I posted above. Perhaps the factory wasn't that fussy?

You could be right. It'd be good to get hold of a factory or dealer manual to see if they were supposed to sit one way or the other. Won't hold my breath on searching for one of those though.
Upon searching a bit, I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter. It isn't covered in the service manual, however my restoration guide shows only two part numbers; one for the trim with the mirror hole and the one without, stating that the one part number works for both sides if no remote mirror is used.

I also have the original dealer brochure for the Satellite/GTX/road runner and the interior pictures show red forward on the passenger side and blue forward on the driver side.
Mine are from left to right, red white and blue on both doors
You know, Glenn, I would refuse to get in that car if the colors on the door were wrong!!! (smile)

As always, impressive work. The car is really getting close and I am really jealous! And good lessons here too on the sail panels. I too, find that I do many jobs multiple times. I had my glove box "permanently installed" four times, so like you, I will take it when luck helps me out! Of course, usually my luck runs the other direction... :angryfire:
You know, Glenn, I would refuse to get in that car if the colors on the door were wrong!!! (smile)

As always, impressive work. The car is really getting close and I am really jealous! And good lessons here too on the sail panels. I too, find that I do many jobs multiple times. I had my glove box "permanently installed" four times, so like you, I will take it when luck helps me out! Of course, usually my luck runs the other direction... :angryfire:

I can imagine people standing around at a car show pointing inside and saying "look, he's got the trim the wrong way 'round". Aaargh. You can drive yourself crazy trying to get everything right. Your luck sounds like mine Hawk. I'm normally trying to chase it down as well, lol.
I can imagine people standing around at a car show pointing inside and saying "look, he's got the trim the wrong way 'round". Aaargh. You can drive yourself crazy trying to get everything right. Your luck sounds like mine Hawk. I'm normally trying to chase it down as well, lol.

This is a big reason I don't go to hardly any car show's (with my vehicle)..... There's always the VIN Police, Trim Nazi's, Mirror & Door Handle Connoisseur's and the rest of the Lawn Chair Warrior's that either have to question & second guess everything on your ride, or fulfill the need to brag about themselves and their car for countless hours. The two show's a year I go to, I park and then high-tail it to go look at others car's, before the choking swarm of Know-it-All Turn Keyer's move in. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of real cool fellow car guys to talk with....I much rather just find them on their own turf instead of being a target for the other clowns, near my ride.

As always, work is looking sharp! Keep up the pace!
Too true Propwash. I agree totally. I don't mind standing around discussing with a bloke about the ins and outs of a car, and trying to pick up a bit of knowledge, but I hate the know it alls that just want to pick out faults and prove someone wrong. They just wreck your day.
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