Well-Known Member
When the time finally comes, I want good sounding mufflers for my 68 Charger. I don't care for the ones that cackle when letting off the gas and don't want ones that are too quiet either. Glass packs are okay but some sound kind of tinny and some have that cackle sound. I checked out Flowmaster and liked the sound of their Super 10 but then I read on a forum they create too much back pressure and are to be avoided. I never cared for Thrush but read the Hush Thrush has a good sound. My favorite was the Orange Peeler that, although a glass pack, had a nice deep sound at idle and didn't get loud until I got on it and it didn't have the cackle sound. The more I investigate which would be a muffler that had a rich deep sound at idle but wasn't loud until I stepped into it, had the right amount of back pressure, no cackle when letting off the gas, the more confusing it gets. If someone gets the chance, and obviously knows a lot more about this than me, could you rank several of them for me so I can You Tube them and hear for myself? Any advice and warnings are appreciated too.