I've read some MP springs tend to break. Maybe someone can verify this.
I go w/ this post. , .028 and .032 for a stocker and a lot of older cam designs. We use to tighten the lash down to .024 and .028 w/ no noticeable diff. MY PISTON PINS WEREN`T NOIST THO, I DID HAVE ONE W/ LOOSE CYL WAL TO PISTON CLEARANDCE THAT WAS NOISY till it heated up.pretty sure factory mechanical lash is .028"/.032". may have some straight pin pistons in it; they're noisey when cold. looks like milodon plug tube seals. unfortunately unknown engines are like a box of cracker jacks; the surprise is inside.
bent valve can sound like a tick. Could be the wrong spring for the application.I get the common sense to do that, but would it account for the louder ticking in the area where the badly broken spring was?
Fyi there is no misfire, runs very strong.
I'm sorry I don't follow could you phrase it differently? Are you referring to coil bind when fully open? Not sure what you mean by the bottom of the springs locatedyep- check how much free clearance at valve open and check your valve lift peek at retainer to seal clearance- are the bottoms of the springs located?
What is the minimum clearance that should exist at full open? Nothing locates the bottom of the valve springs.yes clearance between the coils at open or distance left to coil bind
The springs should fit in a cup cast in the head or be located on the inside with a piece that goes over the valve guide
I do not think this is the problem but you really do not want the spring bottoms waltzing around- retainers must match the springs also- tight is good
you can look up spring locators on any camgrinders website but stock works for stock diamante springs