I think you mean ACP which stands for Automatic Colt Pistol. I never have a problem buying in bulk for my needs. 5.56 x 45/.223, .308/7.62 x 51, 45ACP/45 PDX, 45 Long Colt, 410 PDX ammo, 12 Gauge PDX ammo as well as the other 12 Gauge types of uses. Just gotta have the connection I guess. I also re-load which saves a bundle. You can never have enough period. Sorry PABSTER but a measly 50 rounds as a back up really won't be very effective in the long run either. But I understand your point 100% as a recent gun owner and a family man with kids too. In this day and age, and this is my opinion based on reliable information and intel, one should have at least 2000 plus rounds for each weapon that they own along with at least 2 years supply of powder, lead, primers, and brass. In addition, one needs to have at least 2 years supply of food in storage along with as much physical Gold and Silver Bullion. Not the paper stuff that most Wall Street spin doctors suggest. The physical stuff. It has also been suggested that the recent shortage is due to the Government buying up tremendous amounts of ammo because they fear that the eminent collapse of the US Gov't and Economy will necessitate mass upheaval and rioting and therefore need it to maintain proficiency and their edge. So it really is quite simple here....The more one can acquire and physically have, then the better to counter act the Gov't. So keep investing in lead as I am doing. And when you can get it, go for the "Ball" type ammo for target practice and scenario shooting as it is far less expensive than Hollow Point, Expandable Ammo, and PDX/Personal Defence. I have been doing it now for over 8 years so I guess I am prepared. Good luck though to the rest that haven't seen this inevitable collapse coming...That is just my humble opinion only...Carry On....