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Post up facts and things that hardly anyone knows...... (for entertainment purposes only. NO need to fact check)

I'm not going to issue any warning points this time, but I will grant a long vacation** to anyone posting about massacres and genocide in this thread or General Discussion forum. Such topics belong in the Political Forum ONLY.

**Long Vacation: for the remainder of this year.
respect (2017_10_11 10_04_54 UTC).jpg
"Water is known to rapidly erode channels of the size and scale found on Mount St. Helens. On the night of June 8, 1974, a rain storm in southern Brazil eroded a valley 16 feet deep, 50 feet wide, and 1600 feet long in a gently sloping field that before the storm was marked by only a small gully. The valley is believed to have formed in less than five minutes due to channel erosion and mass wasting during intense rainfall (Kloosterman 1976). "

I am not sure Mt St Helens is a worthy comparison here to the Grand Canyon creation regarding erosion, mainly because of the make of geology. like fine pumice. etc. as per the article.
It's a matter of scale.
So the unique make-up of the material being eroded has no bearing on the erosion characteristics over time is you your claim here?
No. The main factor is the extreme power of such a huge surge of an enormous amount of water in such a short period of time. I do agree that the Colorado river is slowly still eroding the bottom of the canyon. I just don't think such a trickle carved the entire thing.
This whole thread is getting derailed by debating and arguing about stuff being posted.
We disagree.

FWIW my 8th grade advance science class in the 60'swe had an entire class project where we had to do calculations and experiments on typical river rock erosion to estimate the age of the Grand Canyon, it went on for over a month.
I'm sticking with those findings. :lol:
You missed the example when they had to open the flood gates on the Hoover dam, iirc, and had to close them again quickly due to the sudden rush of water eroding 3" thick concrete walls of the vent tunnels. Concrete is probably as hard or harder than sandstone and limestone.
Peter takes a lot of flack, more than any other of Jesus' disciples, but he was the only one who also walked on water.
After brining a piece of meat, fish, or poultry, you take it out of the brine and let it air dry before smoking it. It will develop a tacky feel to the outer skin of the piece called a pellicle. When smoking the piece, it acts like a sponge and absorbs the smoke due to its sticky nature.
Fun fact:
During WW1 in 1917 when american troops arrived in great britain they played „Dixieland“ from the confederate army during civil war- that was the most american song the world knew by that time
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