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Post up facts and things that hardly anyone knows...... (for entertainment purposes only. NO need to fact check)

The marula fruit is incredibly high in vitamin C, containing eight times more vitamin C than oranges.

In ancient times, this juicy fruit was a staple dietary component in Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa.

Baboons are so smart, that they have learned to leave fruit on the ground until it has fermented, then start eating it. The end result is that the baboons get drunk on the fermented fruit and consequently get out of control.

Imagine if you will, walking through the jungle of Madagascar and being confronted by a troupe of drunken baboons. :lol:
Same thing here with allot of animals, let fruit ferment and get drunk, the worst attitudes come from the Canada geese, they are mean drunks for sure.
Same thing here with allot of animals, let fruit ferment and get drunk, the worst attitudes come from the Canada geese, they are mean drunks for sure.
My personal experience was with the rats in the South Bronx, NY, when I was running a rail to truck transfer operation in the Hunts Point Terminal Market. The critters would get huge from eating spilled food products, and like the geese, became mean drunks after gorging on fermented oranges spilled around the reefer cars.
I put out some brewing grains for the critters to eat. I had sparged them (rinse to capture more alcohol) but aparently not enough. The rabbits were hilarious to watch hopping around and falling over. I wonder if they had a hangover?
This gets a red flag from me. Not sure how exactly the Canyon was first formed, but over many many years it has grown deeper by a continuous flow of water over a land mass and that has simultaneously risen as the river cuts the canyon deeper.
You can take the red flag down, there was a huge lake somewhere in the alberta/ Montana area that was left over from glaciers. The holding berm broke and it flushed down to create the canyon.
You can take the red flag down, there was a huge lake somewhere in the alberta/ Montana area that was left over from glaciers. The holding berm broke and it flushed down to create the canyon.
Somebody actually did some research. Good on ya, RemCharger.
No payment - they are virtually begging for donors.
I'm gonna guess "correlation" there... :lol:

Seriously, I've had at least two major (as in, I died during them) surgeries so far wherein the surgeon
was so concerned about the public blood supply that I didn't receive the standard transfusion during
People are genuinely afraid of donating (and apparently, receiving) blood anymore.
Bullets don't go out to space. What goes up must come down.
I put out some brewing grains for the critters to eat. I had sparged them (rinse to capture more alcohol) but aparently not enough. The rabbits were hilarious to watch hopping around and falling over. I wonder if they had a hangover?
Take some to the zoo and feed the baboons...they are funny to watch when they're hammered. :drinks:
You can take the red flag down, there was a huge lake somewhere in the alberta/ Montana area that was left over from glaciers. The holding berm broke and it flushed down to create the canyon.
I was told on my visit to the Grand Canyon that glacial activity played a big part in the canyon's formation.
Ever thought about a career change to the British Secret Service?

View attachment 1703054
The actual total of "official" flatlines is 3 (so far); I've survived cancer 6 times (also so far).
I'm missing a few vital organs and have some really cool scars. Wife says I'm the toughest
man she's ever known - not because I'm strong or can do MMA or whatever - but because
I just keep getting back up...
Not much scares me on this planet anymore, that's for sure.
Evel Knievel’s last successful jump was on October 30, 1976, in the Seattle Kingdome. He jumped seven Greyhound buses using a Harley Davidson XR-750. Knievel’s last ever jump was in Chicago three months later on January 31, 1977, and was unsuccessful. He was supposed to jump 13 sharks in a tank, but crashed during a practice jump and broke more bones. Knievel had jumps planned in Australia in 1979 and Puerto Rico in 1980, but they never materialized…
Evel Knievel’s last successful jump was on October 30, 1976, in the Seattle Kingdome. He jumped seven Greyhound buses using a Harley Davidson XR-750. Knievel’s last ever jump was in Chicago three months later on January 31, 1977, and was unsuccessful. He was supposed to jump 13 sharks in a tank, but crashed during a practice jump and broke more bones. Knievel had jumps planned in Australia in 1979 and Puerto Rico in 1980, but they never materialized…
And if he hadn't kept using a heavy old tank of a Harley, he might have had even more success. :rolleyes:
You can take the red flag down, there was a huge lake somewhere in the alberta/ Montana area that was left over from glaciers. The holding berm broke and it flushed down to create the canyon.

I think what many here are not understanding, if the land that the Grand Canyon occupies had not been constantly rising due to plate tectonics over time and slowly, we would not have the Canyon, it would just be a river. Where the river water comes from is mot a crucial factor here. Glacier NP is a good example of glacier carved mountains and valleys, but they did not get as far south as the Grand canyon we are told.

"Around 18 million years ago, tensional forces started to thin and drop the region to the west, creating the Basin and Range Province.[62] Basins (grabens) dropped down and mountain ranges (horsts) rose up between old and new north–south–trending faults. However, for reasons poorly understood, the beds of the Colorado Plateaus remained mostly horizontal through both events even as they were uplifted about 2 miles (3.2 km) in two pulses.[63][note 2] The extreme western part of the canyon ends at one of the Basin and Range faults, the Grand Wash, which also marks the boundary between the two provinces.[43]

Uplift from the Laramide orogeny and the creation of the Basin and Range province worked together to steepen the gradient of streams flowing west on the Colorado Plateau. These streams cut deep, eastward-growing, channels into the western edge of the Colorado Plateau and deposited their sediment in the widening Basin and Range region.[62]

According to a 2012 study, there is evidence that the western Grand Canyon could be as old as 70 million years.[64]

Colorado River: origin and development

Rifting started to create the Gulf of California far to the south 6 to 10 million years ago.[62] Around the same time, the western edge of the Colorado Plateau may have sagged slightly.[62] Both events changed the direction of many streams toward the sagging region and the increased gradient caused them to downcut much faster." wiki
I don't believe the earth is 70 million years old.....
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