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Post up facts and things that hardly anyone knows...... (for entertainment purposes only. NO need to fact check)

The 1952 release of High Noon staring Gary Cooper
is the only western filmed in real time.
There are 63 national parks in America, but only one is named after a person - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, which is located in western North Dakota. The rest are named not after people, but after the cities and towns where they’re located or the geographical features in and around the parks. There are a couple of national parks that indirectly take their names from individuals - for example, Bryce Canyon National Park is named for Bryce Canyon, which is named for Mormon pioneer Ebenezer Bryce - but Theodore Roosevelt National Park is the only park that’s directly named after a person...
I was under the impression that I knew a lot of useless stuff; but this thread makes me realize I really don't. So I can only assume everything I know is useful to some degree.
I was under the impression that I knew a lot of useless stuff; but this thread makes me realize I really don't. So I can only assume everything I know is useful to some degree.
Dunning-Kruger, right?

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when someone overestimates their knowledge or abilities in a specific area, even though they lack experience or competence in that area. This can lead to a faulty perception of their skills, and people who experience the effect may be unaware of their own limitations.

I have seen engineers on this site that exhibit this annoying trait.
Dunning-Kruger, right?

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when someone overestimates their knowledge or abilities in a specific area, even though they lack experience or competence in that area. This can lead to a faulty perception of their skills, and people who experience the effect may be unaware of their own limitations.

I have seen engineers on this site that exhibit this annoying trait.
Yep, that's what they call it.

Perfect example is the Australian break dancer.
If you passed gas consistently for six years and nine months, you would produce enough gas to create an atomic bomb's energy.
Sharpening stones.
In modern times, most have forgotten that before artificial sharpening stones were abundant and cheap to manufacture, sharpening stones were harvested and manufactured out of quarries.
While any flat stone could be used in a pinch, like most things decades ago, people were a bit more clever then that and discovered certain stones were far superior for this use.
Japan has it's own type of stones, generally called water stones as they work best after both being soaked and then kept covered in water during use. Like most things in that country, history and tradition has driven both the type of stone and method of use into an honored craft and tradition.

The USA had it's own stones, considered by most to be the best in the world. Commonly referred to as "Arkansas stones". Indeed, they come from Arkansas. Arkansas stones were given a scientific sounding, but not scientific name of Novaculite, likely for marketing.
Novaculite comes in different colors, referred to as "hardness". "Soft" stones are typically higher grit for rough edging, regular stones for sharpening, and dark colored or black stones are very hard and used for fine honing.

Once the discovery of artificial stone manufacturing occurred, and low cost, low waste, more consistent products started coming on the market, production of Arkansas stones slowed down greatly and eventually stopped altogether for a time with quarries being shut down for financial reasons.

In recent years, people have come back to both Japanese waterstones and Arkansas Stones as a superior method for getting the sharpest blades. One company has reopened a historic quarry and is the only one in the world producing and selling these stones currently. As blacksmithing has become a hobby, and custom knife crafting gains popularity, having a proper, natural stone has not only become the best way to care for a quality blade, but has taken on a sort of artisanal quality of it's own.

It just goes to show, humans could be pretty clever in the old days and globalized production of artificial things is not always better. What's old is new!
Here are a few more:

*People who habitually stay up late are, on average, more psychopathic than early risers.
(I stay up late. My parents did, most of my family did. I call bullshit on this one.)

*Smarter people are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.
(Sad news for the engineer that never turns a wrench on his car)

*Apples are more efficient at waking you up in the morning than caffeine.
(Who wants to try this and report back?)

*Witzelsucht is a mental disorder that causes the sufferer to compulsively make inappropriate puns or jokes and tell pointless stories.
(Is that what they are calling that now?)

*Creative people tend to be more arrogant.
(Winks with a sly grin)

*A man can reduce his chances of getting prostate cancer by having at least 4 orgasms a week.
(But honey...it is for my health.)
Here are a few more:

*People who habitually stay up late are, on average, more psychopathic than early risers.
(I stay up late. My parents did, most of my family did. I call bullshit on this one.)

*Smarter people are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.
(Sad news for the engineer that never turns a wrench on his car)

*Apples are more efficient at waking you up in the morning than caffeine.
(Who wants to try this and report back?)

*Witzelsucht is a mental disorder that causes the sufferer to compulsively make inappropriate puns or jokes and tell pointless stories.
(Is that what they are calling that now?)

*Creative people tend to be more arrogant.
(Winks with a sly grin)

*A man can reduce his chances of getting prostate cancer by having at least 4 orgasms a week.
(But honey...it is for my health.)

I disagree with the first 5
Moab, Utah has a radioactive history. In the 1940s and 1950s, uranium was discovered in the Moab area and the town became a center of uranium mining during the post-World War II boom. The milling operations created radioactive tailings, which are crushed ore that contain uranium and vanadium, both naturally occurring radioactive elements.
In 1957, Charles Steen opened the Uranium Reduction Company, the first large independent uranium mill in the country, in Moab. Steen's Mi Vida Mine and processing mill made him known as the "King of Uranium".
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project has moved more than 88.1% of the estimated 16 million tons of uranium tailings as of December 2023.
Charles Steen sold at the peak to become a multi millionaire and with some bad investments died broke.
Moab, Utah has a radioactive history. In the 1940s and 1950s, uranium was discovered in the Moab area and the town became a center of uranium mining during the post-World War II boom. The milling operations created radioactive tailings, which are crushed ore that contain uranium and vanadium, both naturally occurring radioactive elements.
In 1957, Charles Steen opened the Uranium Reduction Company, the first large independent uranium mill in the country, in Moab. Steen's Mi Vida Mine and processing mill made him known as the "King of Uranium".
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project has moved more than 88.1% of the estimated 16 million tons of uranium tailings as of December 2023.
Charles Steen sold at the peak to become a multi millionaire and with some bad investments died broke.
Charlie Sheen.gif

Oh wait, That's Charlie Sheen. lol

At least the guy didn't die from radiation exposure.
Dunning-Kruger, right?

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when someone overestimates their knowledge or abilities in a specific area, even though they lack experience or competence in that area. This can lead to a faulty perception of their skills, and people who experience the effect may be unaware of their own limitations.

I have seen engineers on this site that exhibit this annoying trait.

Here are a few more:

*People who habitually stay up late are, on average, more psychopathic than early risers.
(I stay up late. My parents did, most of my family did. I call bullshit on this one.)

*Smarter people are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.
(Sad news for the engineer that never turns a wrench on his car)

*Apples are more efficient at waking you up in the morning than caffeine.
(Who wants to try this and report back?)

*Witzelsucht is a mental disorder that causes the sufferer to compulsively make inappropriate puns or jokes and tell pointless stories.
(Is that what they are calling that now?)

*Creative people tend to be more arrogant.
(Winks with a sly grin)

*A man can reduce his chances of getting prostate cancer by having at least 4 orgasms a week.
(But honey...it is for my health.)
Outstanding contributions! :thumbsup:
*Witzelsucht is a mental disorder that causes the sufferer to compulsively make inappropriate puns or jokes and tell pointless stories.

So, you're saying your test results came back?

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