There's plenty left down low at that MPH. You're lookin at 9.3X easy.Here's mine from last Sunday. Lined up with a Hellcat. He got the surprise of his life lol
View attachment 516184
There's plenty left down low at that MPH. You're lookin at 9.3X easy.Here's mine from last Sunday. Lined up with a Hellcat. He got the surprise of his life lol
View attachment 516184
Be tough without a gear changeThere's plenty left down low at that MPH. You're lookin at 9.3X easy.
Welllllllllll this was my 9 sec car not a mopar abut a second cousin beings Mopar bought Jeep and Willys were Jeeps (yeh I know-far reach) So I had a 42 Willys BUT it was 426 hemi powered-that has to count for something a basic stock head 426 hilborn port injection, Accell duel point distributor **(best battery ignition ever- in the 70's.) clutch flite trans and 2400 lbs. the killer part of the engine was the Crane RR296 Cam at .750 lift intake and exhaust. previous cams were OK but the car was a low 11 sec performer.Post your 9 second or Faster combo's
Atco was a shitshow and I only made one run with the street tune,spun and went 9.7 @ 144.So I didn't get into the 8 second club,,,,,,yet.4 # boost was 9.7 @ 14o,,,,,6 # was 9.3 @ 147. I'm confident 8 #s will get me in the 8's.
Atco was a shitshow and I only made one run with the street tune,spun and went 9.7 @ 144.So I didn't get into the 8 second club,,,,,,yet.4 # boost was 9.7 @ 14o,,,,,6 # was 9.3 @ 147. I'm confident 8 #s will get me in the 8's.
oops .sorry for posting in 9 second/quicker 1996 i had a '62 Dart SS clone with all correct upper end-heads,cam,intake,carbs and SS exhaust. it wasn't extermely fast but it was also my daily driver. with 4.56's it ran 109@ 12.60s' ironically the same as my '63 SS ran when new after changing the factory 3.90's to 4.56 gears. this was also using 7" wide Bruce recap slicks. at the 1996 event (Mopar magic which I promoted and produced) it was fun, I took it to another even at the same track a couple months later- run by some snot nosed people from San Francisco -after getting one time run at 9 AM and still sitting in the staging lanes at 2 PM with no second run yet I decide I'm not going to do this -took it home, and got stupid and sold it.
View attachment 566548
No license.You must be very happy!Congratz on the your new bestTime for the licence and all the fun stuff that comes to be legal.
Rebel with a jackstand!No license.
Im a rebel.
Rebel with a jackstand![/QUO
You are a wise tileman!No chance!
It's gunna be a fun summer!Yup,
I did nothing today but knock the rust off.
Ill have 2 tenths knocked off when the summer gets here.