I almost forgot i had my own to think about here, I just got a message last night that my computer is fixed and ready, i just have to go fetch it but i do have a few more pictures of this thing when i got it so im going to put them in, but this is when i first got it but will help you to understand what i started with..... Pictures of underneath the rear with home made rails, built from railroad rails i think, so thick, spring perches welded to them even helper springs sitting on differential not touching anything on top, weird ect... all gone now but i remember... lots of non sense work getting them gone for sure! and somewhere i have a section outside (picture) ill find... you can see here why i bought the entire floor. I hope to have my computer back in a couple days but were getting a Kia from my mom, long story but shes in active aging home and she wants me to get it so were busy with the arrangements and with our Gabby girl and her after school activities, me trying to get our wood in which were waiting on a load now that was supposed to be here already, lets just say its busy here.. which i promise is the truth lol, I was supposed to have my buddy here this morning to finish the last wall for the vinyl siding on my garage and he didn't show up, that's two! AND YEP, DID TAKE A SHOWER SO I HAVE NO IDEA WHATS GOING ON, IN THE OLD DAYS IF WE COULDN'T MAKE IT we CALLED YA!

Couldn't resist the last one with all the work were doing here, old picture

As you can see real good my shop is small but with this new vinyl siding and i put gravel around the bottom it should be easy to heat, the ceiling is insulated the walls are insulation board but im getting it and a lot of other things done before winter, not looking forward to it but if my legs hold out, i will be spending a lot of time out there, and i want it warm lol.... to be honest, im hoping this will make a few others understand that you can have a small work space and make it work to your advantage, ive lived here over 30 years and learned a lot, a 800 dollar car port and a Amish sawmill to cut you some lumber, what they hey, a garage waiting for a Mopar, i myself love it, im, and i like this part lol, IM equipped with a good stereo, a TV with VCR for car tapes, what more do ya want guys! be reasonable, take what you have and make what ya need!
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BTW, That small sign on the front says "MOPAR DR."

Got to love a clown! But i do have two of-em....