I appreciate all you guys here! one thing has kept me hear at this site over the years ive been around and its you guys who make it!!! Best site around and for information you just cant beat that either, quite a combo that other places should have, heck, maybe Joey and all the great moderators we have should gain control of the others, maybe some would come to know Mopars in a way that leads them hear!!!

, ya never know... one can only hope that they wake up to the best, not to say there isint a bunch of other good ones out there but Mopars do need to be up front.. lol,
they are anyway, maybe they can just admit it lol...
im attempting to put in some pictures i have leading up to what im doing, if it doesn't work again so be it and if i have any ive had in before im sorry, I don't have anything right now that ive done or don't know what i did with them but i have a plan from hear on out so i know what im doing and ill try to stay up to date no matter how long in-between work..... Any area i miss, ill make sure they are up at the time im there, i started this with a plan and changed my thinking so, ill be looking for opinions on a couple things when the time comes... but any way, i hope this works... Maybe someone can tell me a little of what the VIN is giving me, i think it's just where built and what number going down the line but maybe you all can tell me more, some say not to put the whole VIN in but im the one with the car and title so im not excited

Trunk pan and all isint in there as im waiting on funds to get a new shock tower cross-member but i did want to see how things fit...
I did do the springs as well and being i have little room i had to put them under the car and that's where they will have to be painted, harder but its the only way with winter months... After they were blasted i used Eastwood converter (rust) and then shot them with a pop can i call it of primer, everything will need sanded and primed and painted right...

Converter on it, glad i had this one handy!

I bought two shackles from "moparmark" that i was more then happy about, My son in law helped me put all of it under the car and with my new "Moog" bushings these things went in just like they should!, Made my day after replacing the drivers rail and 1/2 the passenger side one, Finishing up the painting i imagine wont be as fun.. I had already cleaned, wire-brushed the rear floor and at the time just painted it with Rustolem but there will be POR-15 or Eastwood coating it all when im done, I have no idea how far a gallon of that por-15 will go but its going on everything under the car, the inside of the rails and the rockers im using the Eastwood in, They have a hose now that makes it a whole lot easier then how i did the original front half of the P-side rail... I was hoping i had a picture in this of that rear floor they way it was just painted but i guess ill have to dig deeper for those, and others.. I hope soon to post some things im doing now and ill put in some others as i find the things, Some where i have pics of the rails in and doing them to but right now i cant find them, i cant believe how much different XP was to this, i miss that XP for more reasons then pictures but i will have to figure it out i guess, I cant seem to put in but one pic at a time and that shouldn't be, that part should be the same as it always was!
A small P.S. That rust converter on the springs and differential "has" to be covered with primer and paint, its Eastwoods product to but its not like the Encapsulator stuff im using other places, It should be for what it costs.