Hi guys, i did say i was slow and have some things going on here but i decided to go to my little get a way and get some work done... ill post these updates for some of it with sand blasting to repairs, I have one part coming from our fellow member Mark (MOPAR MARK, and i thank ya!!!) and today i received a set of turn signal and parking lights that our Will (PROPWASH and i thank ya!!!) and some cheese that i cant wait to get into!! This place never ceases to amaze me with the fellow ship here!
The first ones are some blasting i did to finish up outside and top of d-side rocker panel, I wont know until i get the floor out but reaching up and in on the inside of the rocker, it sure is promising! I will have to replace a floor support, Roger told me it looked bad and peeling back that part of the floor, he was right!, peeling back was using the Blair spot cutting tools, something Will told me about and they are worth the money, i wish i new where, if you can to sharpen them.... The last picture i had already did some work on the back...
The next ones if i have them right is a bad spot that i cut out and then made a patch to weld in, kind of self explaining but i did clean out the entire rocker (great fun) I had a wire and hook, and used the AC to blow it out but to get it completely clean was a hoot... I have the Eastwoods Rust Encapsulator, supposed to be good stuff for stopping, converting rust permanently, the inside of this rocker is covered and the same stuff did my 1/2 rail i welded into the frame in the back, with that i used a homemade sprayer and line job and it took way more then it should have because the smallest holes i could drill are larger then the fitting at the end of this Eastwoods outfit you'll see, using the mirror worked great here but taking a decent picture of the inside using it, well, it just does not work! And i should say all the sand blasting i did was after i ground down where i was working and fixed this spot, I ran out of welding gas so i had to stop but did take pictures and now its done, im just not sure what pictures i have its been so long, im not used to this part of resto threads lol.... One picture i couldn't help but set Q-skin on and see where i may be cutting later, That part impressed the wife some

and a couple shots before and after doing the inside of what part of the quarter is staying with Eastwoods rust fixer-uper..

Some pictures at the end is i guess you call it the door hinge pillar, but there was a couple places i thought i had better fix, I did get the inside sprayed with Eastwood and i thought i would include these repairs, I sure hope the inside of the rocker is really good, its the one thing that worried me from the start on a car that truly was put out behind the barn to rot!, It's also what will make this the best thing i have as far as fun, it was on its dieing mode and now its getting lol, probably already more new metal on it then my Kia, i like the idea and the guy i got it from, he lied, he bent me over but im bending back and have his address tacked to my radio room wall and i will Lord willing show him what happens if you decide to make it happen, not happy with him but, I didn't personally go to look at it but explained what i didn't want to have to do, which by the way THAT im doing now, and im glad im where im at with it, heck, a couple more years or so i may get it done! I hope he doesn't kick off before me, he does need pictures of what im doing...

I know these may not be in order, im sorry for that, i expect there is probably more because when i get in a down mood this is where i go and ive always said if i only work an hour, that's a hour work im not doing later, outside of that little shop, I can get juiced up great getting on here and seeing what everyone else is doing! There is somethings ive done i will be re-doing im sure, if i cant have this right, i don't want to do it and ive sand blasted and now its rusting again lol, i can handle that part but Ive learned im not blasting anything unless i can get it taken care of now... I just have to be very careful with what i get, blasting and epoxy primer would be the way to go even with small areas like i do, and then sometimes don't get back at it, but that stuff even in the what i call popcans are as pricy as this Eastwoods stuff, I still need to get busy with the POR-15, ill get there.... until next time i hope ya all enjoy the updates as much as i do yours! and trust me, I look FORWARD to seeing these updates from you all! keeps me goin!!!
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I have a lot of work ahead of me, as you all do, Im glad i have so many friends gathered here doing the same stuff, What my wife and i T-shirts from Joey says, "real men drive MOPARS", You have to be to go to the extreams we do! To bad the other car lover's don't think that way! we really are if i can be so bold..... THE top of the line in car enthusiasts!!