Well-Known Member
"...I'm planning on installing the door window and vent window as an assembly."
Don't know that this will work very well. It's work enough just getting the wing vent frame in by itself, let alone with a full window anging off the back. I dunno, maybe you are on to something? :edgy:
That is the best way to do it. Make sure to do the following to mitigate damage to your parts:
1) Find something to spread the door opening so the vent window frame does not chip the paint.
2) Cover the glass in something to protect it. I like to use 2" 3M blue painter's tape.
3) Make sure the plastic rivet that holds the door glass to the regulator will work properly. Most of the aftermarket ones I have seen need the center pin shaved/sanded down.
4) If you can find a second person to help hold the glass while you position the vent frame into the door.
Hopefully this helps the install...