i probably should have started this in the engine forum. if any mods see this please move it.
did some work today. completely de-bured the whole block. no sense getting cut every time i touch it. also this one had some nasty casting flash..
now down to business. want to keep my flat tappet lifters happy, i do this with rollers also..
debured the top, bottom, and oil hole. went over the chamfers with some emery cloth. then a few lite strokes with my ball hone. idea is not to remove material but to just clean up any burs. if your finger can snag it so can your lifter.
next it was time to ream out the oil feeds to the mains. some blocks are pretty good, this one was not. normally you would not touch #1, i did on this block. i ran it up to the feed galley because it was small
pulled the dowl pins. filed and stoned the decks to see what i had. its not bad. i put my straight edge across it, maybe .0015 low in a spot on the passenger side.
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time to check the deck height. this may look very crude, and it does not take into account if the decks are tapered form end to end but its a damn good ball park. believe it or not im usually within .002 + or - . doing the math i look to be roughly .005 out of the hole before i even start.