Well-Known Member
Don't start this again!
Aren't you feeling the love?
I am!
i wanna dance!:wav::icon_jook:
Don't start this again!
Go ahead and dance all you want little buddy! I wont stop you!!
I dont have the dates of any other races yet so I have no idea where we are going yet.
Im sure this has already been posted, but what is the dates for this again?
We have wanted to come over to that race for a couple of years now. Last year we were at Milan, Mich. for the NMCA event. It is looking like that weekend is going to be open this year, we are looking forward coming over there. Sounds like it will be worth it just for the grub.
Hope you guys can make it. It'll be worth the trip.
Kevin, are you sure your not from Switzerland?:angel1:
:icon_weed:Is Drjay0 smokin a funny cigarette there?
Nah, he's High on Life. He don't need that stuff...:coffee2::grin:
I'm pretty sure he dipped into Hemi-itis' special secret stash, when he wasn't looking.
He needed to take off the edge.:icon_porc:imp_daddy:
:upside down:imp::ufo_2::icon_pale::sideways tongue::toothy4::icon_flower::eusa_whistle::edgy::tongueflap::laughing9::tread_on _me.gif: