People who protest about the Confederate flag don't know the history of the civil war. The war was not about freeing slaves, it was because states withdrew from the union of the United States. It was a matter of states rights over federal rights. Freeing the slaves was a ploy Lincoln used to cause confusion in the south to help the north win the war.
This is incorrect. The Republican Party was founded to end slavery. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican President. There's a book, I have it on audio CD called Founding Brothers. Well documented account of how the Constitution was ratified. The debate over freeing the slaves was a huge issue as the Declaration of Independence states that: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS. The following language is particularly relevant to what is happening today and worth looking up if you don't remember or never read what it says. The reference to HAPPINESS was part of this debate because of slavery as these human beings were considered property and the argument was that this was not considered something to pursue in a land of Liberty.
If you read the Federalist Papers, you'll realize the debate about creating a Confederacy (Articles of Confederation) as opposed to a Union. Alexander Hamilton was adamantly opposed to a Confederacy. He knew that throughout world history Confederacies ALWAYS failed. Lincoln knew this as well which is why he wouldn't let the southern states withdraw. And the southern states would not ratify the Constitution unless the abolishment of slavery was postponed - supposedly for 20yrs. The debate over what to do with the freed slaves was very interesting and worth studying.
Either you believe in the Declaration of Independence or you don't. This document and the US Constitution are inseparable. If you read the 14th Amendment, introduced after the Abolishment of slavery in the 13th, the language about pursuit of Happiness was changed to PROPERTY. The idea that a state has the right to enslave people is a lame argument in the face of why this country was founded. States wanted to withdraw from the Union because of the introduction of the 13th Amendment, the abolishment of slavery. EVERY slave owner was a Democrat. These are people who thrive on the feudal plantation system even to this day, whether it was direct slavery before it was abolished or the reenactment of it with the Welfare system.
Malice Toward None: Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address by Jack E. Levin gives a CORRECT documented timeline of what happened before and during the Civil War. Nearly 250yrs later most history classes don't teach how Great Britten was working very hard to destroy this nation. Island nations like GB depend on getting resources from their colonies. They didn't want to lose the resources this country had to offer. They did a lot to provide slaves to the south, making a ton of money by basically stealing people and transporting them to auction.(By the way, the way they got these potential slaves was by buying them from Africans. One tribe would conquer another tribe and sell the losers to the British). Good profit margin...Plantation owners had to sell their cotton to the mother country, since they couldn't grow cotton themselves. So this system worked well for GB and they weren't happy about losing it. Who killed Lincoln? The simple answer is J.W. Booth...who was behind the plan?
Hillaries America, the Secret History of the DemocratICK Party by Denesh DeSouza presents well documented accounts of Democrats throughout the history of the US. Decietful, dishonest, anti Christian, anti American traitors.
Let's say your assumption is correct, that it was a ploy Lincoln used to win the, free people from forced labor...that's terrible! Enslavement should never have been tolerated in a country founded on Freedom, Abigail Adams had many discussions with her husband John about the hypocrisy. The importance of the Union can't be emphasized enough. Americans don't know their history. I've heard comments like yours many times and it doesn't make any sense in a Christian environment. If you haven't seen it, watch the movie "Lincoln". Good account of the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment.