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Sucess is not always found with a degree.

So many good comments. Soooo much I could say from my end - Just not enough server space to properly articulate all I’d like to. Myself, I’m a mixture of much of every side of these equations. Frankly nearly all our very large immediate family is as well. Not
mentored by our parents - but somehow we all picked it up by observation and osmosis. However we all approached it - and it was in different ways - we all turned out successful in our own right. Not bad for nine siblings.

One thing I would point out is: While I’m as much a Kardashian detractor as anyone. I developed a modicum of new found respect when I read that Kim actually went to law school - I believe took the bar and now is very active in the Innocence Project - with some success. I’m fine w/being corrected with any of that - but if true she’s turned out to be more than just what the rest of them are. I say good for her.
@j-c-c-62 Exackery! Science is questioning hypotheses and testing them, then refining your hypotheses and continuing.

When they won’t let you question their science, you know it is their dogma and usually false.
I need to make sure there is a clear distinction here, because questioning anything is fine IMO, but wanting to toss out time honored peered reviewed science with a new proposed conclusion without supported facts and equal at least peer review, is not proper science.
So many good comments. Soooo much I could say from my end - Just not enough server space to properly articulate all I’d like to. Myself, I’m a mixture of much of every side of these equations. Frankly nearly all our very large immediate family is as well. Not
mentored by our parents - but somehow we all picked it up by observation and osmosis. However we all approached it - and it was in different ways - we all turned out successful in our own right. Not bad for nine siblings.

One thing I would point out is: While I’m as much a Kardashian detractor as anyone. I developed a modicum of new found respect when I read that Kim actually went to law school - I believe took the bar and now is very active in the Innocence Project - with some success. I’m fine w/being corrected with any of that - but if true she’s turned out to be more than just what the rest of them are. I say good for her.
Consider, I would wager I have spent percentwise more of my personal wealth, and maybe time on the Innocence Project, and all likely way before Kim ever graduated, the difference is the publicity she gets, and yes, she is at the head of class in that regard with her family, not to be overly judgmental.

Consider, I would wager I have spent percentwise more of my personal wealth, and maybe time on the Innocence Project, and all likely way before Kim ever graduated, the difference is the publicity she gets, and yes, she is at the head of class in that regard with her family, not to be overly judgmental.

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Not sure I get your point. This isn’t about you - it’s about someone thought to be near the bottom of the gene pool actually stepping up and doing something good - and yes if she uses her platform to further a good cause, so be it. The bottom line is the result. I have less than zero taste for the whole K thing - beginning til now. But she is proving she’s more than that. And deserves credit for doing so.
Most here are of the age that we were raised by depression era parents & they instilled on us frugality. However, many younger people (under 35) don’t really know what hard times are because they (fortunately) have never had the chance experience it. People of this age were still in school during the 2008 economic crash and it didn’t affect them. Other than our current inflation, the past 15 years have not been that bad economically so they don’t know. I do however fear that something could happen in the near future.
Years ago during my refinery days, the Sunoco refinery I worked at had suffered a MAJOR cat cracker failure. After the subsequent repairs the unit restart commenced. However, due to the severity of the repairs required, a normal restart was not possible (restart with complete virgin catalyst). They even dusted off this old dude from Texas or Oklahoma to advise on the procedure.
I was covering the back shift for the startup, but I typically don't hang around in the control room in the way, so I am available by radio or phone. I get a call from the area supervisor explaining that one of the temporary startup flow transmitters is max'd out, can I increase the range? I did a quick calculation, informed him that I can increase to said amount relatively quickly, or if you need more it will be a couple of hours as a transmitter change out will be required. He went with the quick proposal. I stuck my head in the control room door to advise the control room operator of the task. Felt sorry for him, there were about a dozen suits jammed into the control room looking over his shoulder getting in his way during this critical startup. After coordinating with him, as I was going out the door I said "Chris, looks like someone guessed bad on that one". That got a few chuckles from the regular crew. Then one of the "suits" starts accosting me before I get out the door, quote: "What do you mean by that?" reply: "I am just joking with the operator." suit: " I'll have you know there has been a complete computer study performed for this startup procedure!" reply: " It was an educated guess then." Pan to old dusted off dude sitting in the corner, who is now busting a smile. suit: "This is very serious, you are impeding success!" reply: " If you quit bothering me, I would have had this completed by now." Pan back to the old dude, who has now busted out laughing, as has the rest of the control room personnel. I just headed out to complete my task.
Next day I found out the "Suit" was one of Sunoco's head engineers from Philadelphia. Subject "cat cracker" was older than he was, even way back then. He might as well have been a "Philadelphia lawyer".
Started out doing the college thing but figured out what they were teaching me wasn’t going to get me very far. Then i went the construction route. Was always the first one on the job no matter if i was sick, it was raining snowing or 100 degrees. Did any task and watched everything that was going on around me. Now i have 40 guys working for me. Make more than my friends that did the 4 year college thing. And i always look for the guy that shows up early, doesn’t complain and watches whats going on. Because he’s a keeper.
Discovering, appreciating, and keeping great talent and hard workers is the key to successful business. Unfortunately the indoctrination factories stopped teaching that to the MBAs and corporate America could care less about the star employees. Ask me how I know.
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