20 years ago I would have never thought I would miss a deer season. I still go out with my bow. I think mostly so I can keep the conversations with my customers. Swap some pictures and stories. I don't plan on killing another deer. I do like to eat a couple pheasants a year and love to work my dog.
I have very fond memories of being the kid that got to go hunting and fishing.
The last year I hunted with my grandpa and my great uncle, grandpa was 88 and uncle Bill was 91.
Yeah that was like me my Uncle Tink was really my mentor
he's my dad's Uncle, former Marine & later a Green beret col,
he had 3 boy all older than me by 8-12 years/I also called them uncles
(all Marines & Army too)
Tink he loved bird hunting especially, he's the guy who got me to train & work dogs too
He lived out on the delta, Bethal Island had a nice 1000+ acre farm/ranch
had a killer boat his whole life too (also loved fishing, so did my dad)
I've had a lab of some sort for most my life, since I was like 10,
1st as a kid I had 2 Flash (yellow) & Barren (Black)
then I had "The Duke" (Black, stud sired 81) then "Duckessa" (yellow female)
then "Dan the Man" (yellow one of Duke & Duckessa's pups)
then "Lord Budnicks" (chocolate) most recently "Elvis of Budnicks" (chocolate)
(I just lost my beloved Elvis July 30th, way too young 9 y/o, liver cancer, tumor,
caused internal bleeding of the spleen... man I miss my dog)
I'm currently looking for a good lab, don't care if papered or not
just want a good dog I can teach & be my buddy
I could go on a hunt & not ever shoot, so long as
if I had a dog to work
& I'd be fine with that, happy
don't get me wrong I love the hunt still, I love shooting too, it's in my blood
but killed my quota, plenty
& I enjoy the act of hunting more than the kill, I still love the meat thou...