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The IGNORE feature.

I don't use the "ignore" function... I simply ignore them. For the most part, but I'd attempted reasonable discourse with "the Few" to no avail, as it just gets festered with TDS and evolves into a pissing match. It becomes just another thread with hypocrisy, ignorance, personal slurs, and regurgitated msnbc propaganda.
Thank you. My response. Damn, I wish I could hit all 3. View attachment 1528310

Feel free to gank this pic if you find it useful.... :thumbsup:
I like the ignore thread button on the FABO website. I choose to ignore people that annoy me online. I also choose not to watch any news in the last year either.
makes for a far better experiance
some people just don't care or have a clue

why try ?, they haven't changed sing being on here

some are here just to 'poke the bear'
and they admit it too, they are the types I ignore

View attachment 1528309
Black list. Perfect. And if you want to keep track manually (old school)

For the most part , I find that the people asking for help are not the bad actors here. I have come across ( several times)
….the guy who is supposedly trying to help, is a wise *** , condescending, etc. sometimes this sparks an argument, sometimes the asker of the help is a bigger person and turns it around on the A hole to make him feel bad for his comment(s). ….and good for that latter guy is all I can say.
Were you asking to be added to the list? LOL

Too many lately that ask a question and then never bother to thank anyone for the help or even come back to acknowledge that they were given the solution to the problem.
First off, I'd like to state that this is not a complaint thread. I don't want to bash anyone. I'd also ask that if you respond, please consider doing the same.

I have a few members on IGNORE. I won't state who they are but the ones on the list are there for a variety of reasons.
I'm not as high strung as I used to be but I still do get riled up. I find that proactive measures like the IGNORE feature can keep me from taking things too far.
It can be easy to let other members get you angry. It can be hard to see something that is so different from what you think and just let it go unanswered.
The way society has changed the past 15 years or so, we are more divided than ever. Some of us have really dug our heels in with our opinions.
It can be hard to hash out our differences when we are so far apart.

There are some members that I see engaging with others with completely opposite opinions and they often really mix it up. It took me years to understand that in most cases, arguing is pointless because the other guy is either as stubborn as I am or not willing to see the facts as they appear to me.
Some people don't use the Ignore function because they say that they don't like the idea of censoring others. While this is a noble thing, I have another take on that.
If you don't like broccoli or spinach, you just don't eat it. If a TV show is on that you don't like, you turn the channel. When a newspaper prints stuff you don't believe, you choose not to read it. That wasn't censorship, that was just avoiding what you didn't like. Those things still exist, you just don't have to experience any of it.
The IGNORE feature is like that. The people that you disagree with still are free to post whatever they want, you just don't have to see it.

In some cases, some people that I disagree with sometimes post something that makes enough sense to reconsider my position.
In other cases, the other guy seems way too far gone to give any of my time.

My point here is that using this feature may provide some relief for the members when we encounter someone that intentionally annoys us.
You'll likely never get through to that person. They may only serve to be a thorn in your side.
You might end up having a much better experience on the forum by letting them do their thing without engaging with them.
Were you asking to be added to the list? LOL

Too many lately that ask a question and then never bother to thank anyone for the help or even come back to acknowledge that they were given the solution to the problem.
Some of them just disappear when the problem is solved.

Then there are those who repeatedly ask the same questions, and then bite back at good answers with some stupid argument that has nothing to do with the subject. That guy went on my Shitlist last week. And I had just about cleaned it out down the just one.

You can lead a horse to water......
I appreciate the tactful responses so far.
Despite my reputation, my goal here was just to be civil and suggest something that may save you some frustration.
I am sure that I'm on many IGNORE lists too, for good reason. I can be abrasive and obnoxious at times. Nobody is more aware of my faults than I am.
My list includes some people that are great members but may have habits that are hard for me to overlook.
I have a very short tolerance for poor grammar, spelling and punctuation. I have the hardest time resisting the urge to call it out. It isn't just here, it is with every forum I'm on. In short, it is up to ME how I respond to it. I've annoyed Moderators for years and been warned several times to stop. Some have been very patient.
It isn't as if I scan the internet trying to find errors to correct, it really is a matter where the errors just stand out to me like a glowing neon sign. Until I develop better self control, I have to put those people out of reach.
One other forum, I IGNORE a couple of members because they BOMB the site with content that is inane, unfunny and just stupid. They may be great guys but their content just takes too long to wade through to get to good stuff.
I never noticed the ignore function until it was mentioned in this thread.
We all know ourselves and each our personal tendencies. Use it if you feel you must imo.
I personally haven’t felt the need to do so myself.
Heck, up until a few years ago I may have never even appreciated an environment like this forum. Anyone’s opinions that didn’t align with mine I didn’t do so well with.
As life threw more and more painful curveballs at me, I began to realize it’s the issues I have problems with and not necessarily the people(someone had to help me see that, didn’t just happen by itself). That thought has given me a lot more tolerance for folks. But I’m still working at getting it right consistently. Far easier said than done. Lord help me lol.
I’m not saying I’ll never use the ignore button ever. I hope not to have to.
But I will avoid nonsense when I see it.
And I also don’t wanna sh.. where I enjoy spending my time & energy. Whether it be here or in life.
You guys are great.
I really do love this place :thumbsup:
I'm probably just numb to everything so nothing bothers me....chilled out as. But that guy wanting to put a LS engine in his RR?

I appreciate the tactful responses so far.
I have a very short tolerance for poor grammar, spelling and punctuation. I have the hardest time resisting the urge to call it out.
Your wellcome for my tackful replie. I no you ain;t got no tollerense for lotsa stuff. I hadda punktuation in a tire a few weeks ago. I hadda plugg it. I plugged it, good.
I proof read every post, in hopes of avoiding the "Wrath of Kern"

my grammar has always been good, but thank God for spell check
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