They say electric heat is 100% efficient. That's because it is the standard against which all other forms of heat are measured against.
yella71 said:
Where does everyone think electric comes from? It has to be generated some where and those plants run on some kind of fuel........
And that's exactly it.
Electricity is handy because (here in Manitoba at least) we can generate it hundreds and hundreds of miles away, send it down a wire, and then reconvert it into energy at this end to run something.
Beats the heck out of harvesting firewood... which used to cost next to nothing, cuz we got mountains of wood. So whereas it used to cost me a couple of hundred bucks for to heat my house all winter; now it costs me more than $2400..... in after tax dollars, and then they stack another 13% tax onto the $2400..... so in the end it costs me $3900 in wages or over 200 hours.
I used to cut,split, haul, and stack 12 cords in about 40 hours. So now, electricity costs me 5 times as much. I call that 20% efficient, lol.
But seriously, anytime you convert one form of energy to another, you lose a bunch of it. We'd be far better off to burn some form of fossil fuel,in a water boiler system. Fire is the real 100% efficient way to heat your house. Plus it's practically instant whole house heat, compared to electrical resistance heating.
What has that got to do with electric cars?
Think about it.
The only way electric cars are gonna make it, is if we buy them, which I will never ever do. If I have to, I'll buy a horse.
And the only way electric cars will come to market is, if some already fat cat can figure out a way to get rich off them...... and that leads straight to subsidized purchases so that a portion of the purchase comes straight out of tax dollars, whereby every taxpayer, whether or not he knows it, chips in for the neighbors new electricmobile..
That is just corruption in action.
Everybody, en mas, should just quit working and go on welfare. That'll fix 'em. I wonder how long it would take for the system to tank?
We are a captive market.
Every citizen with a SS number has a gross worth of X amount of dollars... per year; that the government is continuously figuring out how to cheat you out of. That's just what they do. We get just enough to subsist on, they get the rest. And it ain't because they need the money; rather they are proving the point that we are slaves to the fattest cats at the top of the heap. And what do those fat cats do with the cash? My guess is that they burn it to keep themselves warm in their fat-cat mansions, while they all fat-cat party, and fat-pat themselves on their fat-backs for figuring out new and sneakier ways to steal our futures.
Ok seriously, what are they doing with all the cash? When something like less than 1% of all the people in the world, own 95% or more, of the wealth of all the world; seriously, of what value is all that wealth? Whaddaya do with warehouse after warehouse of cash, jewels, and precious metals. What do you do with the all the businesses, and countries, and ciizens, that you own? And all the slaves you own?
Seriously, do you just forcechit on them and cackle with glee. Chit like electricity thru a wire to the meter in your house. Like gas guzzling cars that cost 100's of times more today than 50 years ago and still, at the very best, have only doubled in fuel economy. What's it all coming to?
What it's coming to is;
.................... a loaf of bread for a day's wages ...............