I've read through all these - and recognize most of them as being familiar -
but one thing I've sure been chastised about on this forum over the years comes to mind, too:
"It's his car and he can do what he wants with it..." 
Yeah well, a lot of folks did just that apparently over the years eh?
As far as my own "PO" with Fred is concerned, he and I are still in communication and rather friendly
with one another, so I gently rib him about this or that occasionally - he's admittedly a terrible mechanic
(his best friend for decades, John, was the professional mechanic of their "team" while alive).
Charlie (the PO) was/is quite the gifted tin man and is the reason Fred is so straight on the alignment
rack and rust-free - but some of his mechanical exploits are downright hilarious.
John (God rest his soul) was actually Fred's previous owner, though - and the car came up for sale in
no small part because John suddenly fell ill to cancer and was gone within the year.
Charlie inherited the car and immediately lost his job of 30 years and got in financial trouble and was
forced to sell the car...and I wound up the new steward, not knowing any of that story until some time
So - did Fred have several of the maladies described already in this thread?
Oh yeah....
May I have corrected a lot of them? You bet.
May I also have left a few "surprises" for the next steward?
Bet yer *** I did.