Well-Known Member
It’s not the breed it’s the owners
Bb70charger500, I have no problem with you disagreeing with me but what exactly do you disagree with?These dogs were bred for one purpose, to fight and kill. I have been around a lot of these dogs and most seemed to be very loving dogs but there is no way I would personally trust one around my child. I've also been around a few that were extremely aggressive.
A lot of breeds are known to bite and any dog can and will given the right circumstances but the difference is that when a pit bull bites, they don't let go usually resulting in severe injury and as in this case sometimes death. I read somewhere that a pit bull is the only animal known to man that will continue to fight after being mortally wounded. I don't know if that's true or not but it wouldn't surprise me knowing their history as a breed. I'm sure there are many pit bulls that would make perfectly good loving pets for kids but it's not a chance I would ever be willing to take with my children.
Very sad indeed
View attachment 673503 View attachment 673504 My daughter was walking her 10lb "designer" dog behind her apartment building a few weeks ago, as she has done for the @3yrs she had lived there, when a "pit bull" broke away from the girl walking it, and attacked her dog. My daughter instinctively grabbed her dog to protect it, and the pit turned on her. She ended up fighting off the pit when it got back on her dog. She is maybe 110 lbs. Her apartment complex "strictly" forbids pit bulls, and she saw that dog for the first time a week before it attacked them, but decided not to call on it. I went to the pound and saw that dog before it was put down. It had this elaborate muzzle on it, even in the cage. The workers told me it had it on when it came in. They said their muzzles are no where near that sturdy. The actual owner put it on when he finally came out and secured it. So he knew or had issues with this dogs aggressiveness, obviously, but still brought it to a complex with many kids running around, and elderly people with small dogs. I went to his apartment when I found it, but he was gone already. Asshole.
Fair enough, I'm not saying ban the dogs and I certainly agree that this is more a people problem than a dog problem but I disagree that they were not bred to fight. They are in fact classified as a working dog but this breed has a long history of fighting and that's just the cold hard truth. All pure bred dogs were bred by people with certain traits they deemed desirable for whatever. These dogs are probably more like the original english bulldog than any other breed alive. If you've had good luck with them then great. I just stated that I wouldn't chance it with my kids. We agree to disagreePit bulls were not bread as fighting dogs! There working class dogs and even Nanny dogs . There was no dog bread to fight another dog ! There trained to do this ! Just like the police train German Shepherd s to hunt and attack the purp .
The difference is the police train there dogs correctly these. Idiots that "train" there dogs only piss it off ! I had a curr dog "trained " to be a guard dog he was a loose Cannon the people I got him from didn't train him properly. I had a rerired police dog long ago he was scary but wouldn't attack until he was told!
He was trained correctly!
Don't ban a breed ,because of the idiots that raise them ! Ban stupid people!!!!
View attachment 673503 View attachment 673504 My daughter was walking her 10lb "designer" dog behind her apartment building a few weeks ago, as she has done for the @3yrs she had lived there, when a "pit bull" broke away from the girl walking it, and attacked her dog. My daughter instinctively grabbed her dog to protect it, and the pit turned on her. She ended up fighting off the pit when it got back on her dog. She is maybe 110 lbs. Her apartment complex "strictly" forbids pit bulls, and she saw that dog for the first time a week before it attacked them, but decided not to call on it. I went to the pound and saw that dog before it was put down. It had this elaborate muzzle on it, even in the cage. The workers told me it had it on when it came in. They said their muzzles are no where near that sturdy. The actual owner put it on when he finally came out and secured it. So he knew or had issues with this dogs aggressiveness, obviously, but still brought it to a complex with many kids running around, and elderly people with small dogs. I went to his apartment when I found it, but he was gone already. Asshole.
I notice that a lot of people don't walk, train, or even discipline their fuckin mutts when needed, like my asshole next door neighbor!I notice a lot of people walking dogs that appear to have no control over the animal, makes everyone else in the area afraid.......
sorry to hear your story, had similar situation posted below. My outcome was better than your daughter. Best wishes to your brave kid, strong woman she is!!!View attachment 673503 View attachment 673504 My daughter was walking her 10lb "designer" dog behind her apartment building a few weeks ago, as she has done for the @3yrs she had lived there, when a "pit bull" broke away from the girl walking it, and attacked her dog. My daughter instinctively grabbed her dog to protect it, and the pit turned on her. She ended up fighting off the pit when it got back on her dog. She is maybe 110 lbs. Her apartment complex "strictly" forbids pit bulls, and she saw that dog for the first time a week before it attacked them, but decided not to call on it. I went to the pound and saw that dog before it was put down. It had this elaborate muzzle on it, even in the cage. The workers told me it had it on when it came in. They said their muzzles are no where near that sturdy. The actual owner put it on when he finally came out and secured it. So he knew or had issues with this dogs aggressiveness, obviously, but still brought it to a complex with many kids running around, and elderly people with small dogs. I went to his apartment when I found it, but he was gone already. Asshole.
fantastic im glad you killed that dog and too bad not the other one.I shot and killed my across-the-street neighbors dog in my driveway.
Her two pitbull mixes(i didn't know what they were at the time) were attempting to kill my next-door neighbor. He was lying in my driveway after they knocked him off his feet,while they were biting his face and throat.
When i shot the first one,the other retreated.
My neighbor that was attacked was a 75 year old cancer and heart attack survivor, and was hospitalized for his injuries. His offense? He waved hello from across the street, to the dogs owner.
Southern california was in the midst of a series of dog attacks at the time, including a fatality, so police, fire dept.,ambulance, animal control, and five news choppers showed up.
Everyone who spoke to me, including animal control, thanked me, said i may have saved my friends life.
My girlfriend watches "pit bulls and parolees" and wants one bad. (A pitbull fortunately, not a parolee). Thankfully insurance surcharges caused her landlord to prohibit that happening. She will have to settle for the black german shepherd puppy i bought her.
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