My blood starts to boil when I read from ignorant people that call for a ban on specific dog breeds. It is THAT mentality that also calls for a complete gun ban after a shooting somewhere. If you don't want to come across as an ignorant person, educate yourself about the subject. Don't just rush to judgement because YOU don't understand the breed. You probably only know what you have read. The media DOES glom onto the "Pit Bull" name because it is the headline grabber. 10 years ago, it was Rottweillers. Before that, Doberman Pinschers. When they post a picture, it is often a dog that looks similar but is NOT a Pit Bull. Pure Pits are mostly under 65 lbs when full grown. King Corsos, Dogo Argentinas and Mastiffs are all much larger and often mis-identified as Pit Bulls. Educate yourself about the breed that you criticize.
No, I don't mean to copy and past a set of statistics from some anti-dog website. Statistics only tell you part of a story. It is easy to pick and choose to meet your agenda. I do feel empathy for anyone that is attacked and hurt by any dog. Do not confuse my response here. I do not wish to see anyone hurt except child molesters.
Pit Bulls were not originally bred to be fighters. They do have that capability though which is why selfish ******** with no regard for decency beat them and force them into that life. These dogs need to be socialized. They need to be exercised and worked. They are strong and fast. In most cases, They are very loving and friendly. Part of the reason that you see so many in Animal Shelters is that MOST owners do NOT put in the time to train and condition their Pit Bull dogs. I am no hypocrite though. I know that they are animals and that any animal is capable of doing damage. Owners need to be responsible and train the dogs. They need to be watchful for behavior changes in the dog. They need to have a secure fence where the dog will be, they need strong leashes when they walk the dog AND be aware that their instincts to hunt small animals is part of who they are.
The OP obviously posted this to inflame people....Note that in the opening post he just put up a link and sat back to see what type of responses he would get. I saw this last night and moved right past it because I get annoyed with people that post stuff this way. It smacks of gossip or traditional bullshit media "hit and run" journalism. I only responded because I was disappointed with a few ignorant responses.