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Toddler Mauled by Pit Bull Dies

Wow! So many disagree with me. I would never put the love of a dog before one of my children. If the dog I own now attacked my kids I would kill it in a heartbeat. There are many breeds of dogs and I really don't see the point in owning one that can do that kind of damage and have violent tendencies bred in. Many of you think its the mix but it's the Pitt in the mix causing it. Do a little research you'll find out what pitts were bred for.
I love the people that say poodles bite more people that pit bulls,
well I rather getting bit by a poodle.
I love dogs , just don't like most owners , my dog was trained and behaved on command
really you should need to pass a test with your dog to be able to own one
our city banned them as well . great news , when some lower income dweller dog bites a kid in the park and the city gets sued cause he s. broke
we'll ha wont happen now
An unstable or cranky poodle will make your ankle bleed and piss you off. An unstable Pit can kill an adult.
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My blood starts to boil when I read from ignorant people that call for a ban on specific dog breeds. It is THAT mentality that also calls for a complete gun ban after a shooting somewhere. If you don't want to come across as an ignorant person, educate yourself about the subject. Don't just rush to judgement because YOU don't understand the breed. You probably only know what you have read. The media DOES glom onto the "Pit Bull" name because it is the headline grabber. 10 years ago, it was Rottweillers. Before that, Doberman Pinschers. When they post a picture, it is often a dog that looks similar but is NOT a Pit Bull. Pure Pits are mostly under 65 lbs when full grown. King Corsos, Dogo Argentinas and Mastiffs are all much larger and often mis-identified as Pit Bulls. Educate yourself about the breed that you criticize.
No, I don't mean to copy and past a set of statistics from some anti-dog website. Statistics only tell you part of a story. It is easy to pick and choose to meet your agenda. I do feel empathy for anyone that is attacked and hurt by any dog. Do not confuse my response here. I do not wish to see anyone hurt except child molesters.
Pit Bulls were not originally bred to be fighters. They do have that capability though which is why selfish ******** with no regard for decency beat them and force them into that life. These dogs need to be socialized. They need to be exercised and worked. They are strong and fast. In most cases, They are very loving and friendly. Part of the reason that you see so many in Animal Shelters is that MOST owners do NOT put in the time to train and condition their Pit Bull dogs. I am no hypocrite though. I know that they are animals and that any animal is capable of doing damage. Owners need to be responsible and train the dogs. They need to be watchful for behavior changes in the dog. They need to have a secure fence where the dog will be, they need strong leashes when they walk the dog AND be aware that their instincts to hunt small animals is part of who they are.
The OP obviously posted this to inflame people....Note that in the opening post he just put up a link and sat back to see what type of responses he would get. I saw this last night and moved right past it because I get annoyed with people that post stuff this way. It smacks of gossip or traditional bullshit media "hit and run" journalism. I only responded because I was disappointed with a few ignorant responses.
My blood starts to boil when I read from ignorant people that call for a ban on specific dog breeds. It is THAT mentality that also calls for a complete gun ban after a shooting somewhere. If you don't want to come across as an ignorant person, educate yourself about the subject. Don't just rush to judgement because YOU don't understand the breed. You probably only know what you have read. The media DOES glom onto the "Pit Bull" name because it is the headline grabber. 10 years ago, it was Rottweillers. Before that, Doberman Pinschers. When they post a picture, it is often a dog that looks similar but is NOT a Pit Bull. Pure Pits are mostly under 65 lbs when full grown. King Corsos, Dogo Argentinas and Mastiffs are all much larger and often mis-identified as Pit Bulls. Educate yourself about the breed that you criticize.
No, I don't mean to copy and past a set of statistics from some anti-dog website. Statistics only tell you part of a story. It is easy to pick and choose to meet your agenda. I do feel empathy for anyone that is attacked and hurt by any dog. Do not confuse my response here. I do not wish to see anyone hurt except child molesters.
Pit Bulls were not originally bred to be fighters. They do have that capability though which is why selfish ******** with no regard for decency beat them and force them into that life. These dogs need to be socialized. They need to be exercised and worked. They are strong and fast. In most cases, They are very loving and friendly. Part of the reason that you see so many in Animal Shelters is that MOST owners do NOT put in the time to train and condition their Pit Bull dogs. I am no hypocrite though. I know that they are animals and that any animal is capable of doing damage. Owners need to be responsible and train the dogs. They need to be watchful for behavior changes in the dog. They need to have a secure fence where the dog will be, they need strong leashes when they walk the dog AND be aware that their instincts to hunt small animals is part of who they are.
The OP obviously posted this to inflame people....Note that in the opening post he just put up a link and sat back to see what type of responses he would get. I saw this last night and moved right past it because I get annoyed with people that post stuff this way. It smacks of gossip or traditional bullshit media "hit and run" journalism. I only responded because I was disappointed with a few ignorant responses.
Comparing a gun ban to a pit bull ban is a apples to oranges comparison. If you want an equal comparison: a complete gun ban to a complete dog ban. A pit bull ban would be equal to an automatic weapon ban.

I'd be open to just having more regulations on the breed. They're too much of a liability to be keeping in a domestic environment.
I don’t agree with statement, and I wouldn’t give up our Pit Bull if the city/state came for her. On the other hand, if she ever got aggressive, she’d be gone. Her and my boy get along like peas in a pod. When he takes her for walks, she gets in between him and other dogs/people. Dogs somehow know that certain people need help and she’s one of them.
Wow! So many disagree with me. I would never put the love of a dog before one of my children. If the dog I own now attacked my kids I would kill it in a heartbeat. There are many breeds of dogs and I really don't see the point in owning one that can do that kind of damage and have violent tendencies bred in.

I would be compelled to destroy a pet of mine if it attacked my family as well.
Again, too many media sources love to perpetuate the notion that violence is "Bred into" this breed. The potential to be violent is in every animal and this breed is strong. If the dog is wired wrong, it can be enough to do major damage. Smart and responsible owners know this and spend time and effort to socialize the dog into being attentive and obediant. Thugs and other ******** will beat their dogs to make them mean. What the media often omits is that many Pit Bulls do not react violently like these asshole owners want. The docile Pit Bulls are often repeatedly beaten in the vain effort to make them aggressive and many die without ever becoming violent. You will not hear of this because it does not serve any purpose to the headline grabbing media. Some may recall the Micheal Vick story....This piece of **** was personally responsible for over 50 dogs being used in various types of fighting. Many were placed with loving families and lived the rest of their lives in a peaceful environment. Several were too disturbed to be placed with families and were placed in "Sanctuaries".
The Wife and I have worked with a Sacramento based Pit Bull foster program for several years now. We personally have fostered 10 of them and adopted 3 that we were fostering. Absolutely NONE of them were violent. To be fair, every one of them were selected from shelters after an evaluation of health and behavior along with any history that was made available. Our most recent adoption is a 14 month old female. She was left at the shelter by a family that got mad when she chewed a screen door. The poor dog was left outside all day, every day and needed attention. A puppy is almost always going to act out if it is ignored or abandoned. She is healthy and happy here. Not the slightest problem with chewing or anything. She is receiving training and responds well to it.
For years, I had the same UNinformed opinion that some other people do. This was because I had no first hand experience with these dogs, I only "knew" what I read and heard. In 2009 we took in my older Brothers Labrador/Pit Bull mix when the Brother got sick. "Buddy" was our first experience with the breed and the dog opened our eyes to the misconceptions that we took as fact.
We currently have a 7 year old Border Collie that is as Alpha as any dog you'd ever meet. People walk down the street and our Pit Bulls look their way briefly while the B/C is the one at the fence barking. He runs TO danger while our Pit Bulls run away from it. WE have trained our dogs to respond to commands and they are well behaved. People that visit often compliment us on how civil our dogs are. Why? Because we are not a couple of lazy, worthless ******** that have these dogs for the wrong reasons.
Well Kern we hear what your saying and maybe we should ban the humans before the dog. As for my post about the 90 year old who died of his injuries from a attack by two pits, i can provide you the link. It happened and that child was killed, that happened also. Like it or not, neglected or not pits have been responsible for many attacks on people and other dogs. Yes the owners of these dogs are iresponsible and have no business owning any animal but that does not change the fact
My sister had a loving female "pit" This dog was the image of a perfect pet. (an older dog). She (the pit) lived with two cats for her growing up life. (several years).

One day when my sister came home she found blood spatter throughout the house.
Her friendly and longtime pet seemed extra happy to great her with the carnage of the remains of her two cats.
Hi mom---look what I did for you while you were away.--

We can pick and chose those that we will live with. It is always a gamble.
Doberman’s? Rot’s? Mastif’s?

It’s a case by case basis.
Look at it this way:
Let say that high performance cars suddenly got really cheap and gas was only $1.00 per gallon. Now, every speed junkie could afford to go REAL fast whether they were smart, capable or responsible. Many killed themselves doing stupid stuff, some killed others in the process.
Lets ban all musclecars. Forget how many responsible people had the time of their lives with these cars...Lets just blame what we don't understand.
Or maybe this scenario:
Drugs are suddenly decriminalized and the price drops. Now anyone can buy and use drugs whether they are smart or responsible because we obviously cannot discriminate based on intellect, can we? People overdose, kids overdose or kill someone while under the influence, etc.
Lets ban all drugs again. Forget about the people that do what they want in the privacy of their own home, lets put everyone in a hermetically sealed bubble to live a safe, boring, stress free, uninteresting life.
No. The problem all comes down to responsibility. We as owners need to exercise common sense and responsibility. The Pit Bull issue is partly due to the popularity of the dog at this moment in time. There are a LOT more Pit Bulls alive today than 20 years ago due to their popularity by good and bad people. This will skew the numbers and again, if you only read what they want you to, a statistic will make it appear that most dog attacks are by this breed. If most of the cars on the road were Mopars, does that mean the Mopars are responsible for auto accidents just because they were the most common car in the country?
Again, years ago, Rottweillers were in the news for this very thing. Before them, German Shepherds, Dobermans, any popular dog with intelligence and a strong prey drive was "suspect".
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Googled Pitbull attacks, notice all the stories that have photos. Not a one is a Pitbull.

This is a real pit bull. Lean, athletic, loving, great companion. Do your homework guys, inbred dogs mis labeled as pit bulls are the problem.

Since you can't legislate dog owners not being stupid and lazy, the dogs are being banned by some communities and insurance companies.
Well, that closes the story/topic.
Just saying there’s a lot of confusion about what a pit bull is, I’d bet 90% of stories labeled as pit bull attacks are actually these inbred mutant dogs that look similar, but in fact are not pit bulls.
This is a real pit bull. Lean, athletic, loving, great companion. Do your homework guys, inbred dogs mis labeled as pit bulls are the problem.

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This topic will never end. We all love our pets and tend to stand by them just like family members.
Frankly, most of us love our pets more than our family members.
Just saying there’s a lot of confusion about what a pit bull is, I’d bet 90% of stories labeled as pit bull attacks are actually these inbred mutant dogs that look similar, but in fact are not pit bulls.

Would a -proper- "pit bull" be defined by genetics?
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