I shot and killed my across-the-street neighbors dog in my driveway.
Her two pitbull mixes(i didn't know what they were at the time) were attempting to kill my next-door neighbor. He was lying in my driveway after they knocked him off his feet,while they were biting his face and throat.
When i shot the first one,the other retreated.
My neighbor that was attacked was a 75 year old cancer and heart attack survivor, and was hospitalized for his injuries. His offense? He waved hello from across the street, to the dogs owner.
Southern california was in the midst of a series of dog attacks at the time, including a fatality, so police, fire dept.,ambulance, animal control, and five news choppers showed up.
Everyone who spoke to me, including animal control, thanked me, said i may have saved my friends life.
My girlfriend watches "pit bulls and parolees" and wants one bad. (A pitbull fortunately, not a parolee). Thankfully insurance surcharges caused her landlord to prohibit that happening. She will have to settle for the black german shepherd puppy i bought her.
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