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UFOs or UAPs are real

There's a lot of money to be made coming up with books and TV programs about aliens and all other wild-*** theories. There is also a lot more money to be made coming up with your own religion. If this offends the Christians maybe you can point to the thousands of religions in human history you DON'T believe in.

I've certainly listened to that late-night radio show Coast to Coast. That host must have a hard time listening to these crazies and not laughing.

I liked this program debunking all the Ancient Aliens stuff.

It doesn't offend Christians. Christianity is not about money.
Organized christian religeon(organized by men) is succeptable to greed like any other mortal man made thing. It(and many other things) is why Luther nailed his letter to the door all those years ago.
Actual Christians know they are sinners, and that includes the men of the cloth. The temptation of wealth is not discriminatory, and the dark one is extra happy to convince church leaders to fall onto his path. We cannot attribute to God the sins of men.
Tell that to the Prosperity Preachers and their private jets. Fancy churches bug me. I think of the past in Europe. While the populace was starving and the church was building fantastic cathedrals.

A good example of what I was really talking about is L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. He made his own religion and made zillions and gained great power over people. An even more current example is a climatologist. They've convinced people the sky is falling and are making huge sums of money from people who have turned climate change into a religion. If you're a scientist you won't get published unless you fall in line with the zealots. I see an article every week explaining the fact that real science can't get out.

Back to UFOs. Society has always dreamed up bogeymen based on their own culture. We started seeing flying saucers at the beginning of our jet age. The distances are just too great in the universe for a visit from a race 100 million light years away.
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I've seen a few "debunkings" of the Annunaki. IMO the debunkers could have debunked their own debunking if they'd put more thought into it. For example, why mine gold on Earth if there's more gold in the asteroid belt? Well, our current record for the longest stay in space is only 371 days, and we have to constantly fight against things like muscle and bone strength deterioration while living in zero G. So far there's no reason to believe the Annunaki were much more advanced, when they came, then we are now. We could do a robotic sample return mission to the asteroid belt, but we certainly can't mine asteroids on an industrial scale yet.

Another objection - why create an unintelligent worker to dig the gold when you can use machines, like we do?


Oh. Right.

Back to Ezekiel - reading further, it turns out Israel had been exiled to Tel Abib -

"Tel Abib (Hebrew: תל אביב, Tel Aviv, "the hill of Spring", from Akkadian Tel Abûbi, "The Tel of the flood") is an unidentified tell ("hill city") on the Kebar Canal, near Nippur in what is now Iraq."


Nippur is the city of the Annunaki leader Enlil (Lord of the Command) Nunamnir, who usurped the leadership on Earth from his elder brother Enki (Lord of the Earth) Ea; as well as the inheritance of their father's throne. At one point Nunamnir was cast out for having sex out of wedlock, although it seems he eventually reclaimed his position. Enlil Nunamnir is almost certainly "Lucifer." I disagree with the idea that he is also "Satan." "Satan" and "Moloch" would be his son and chosen heir, Ninurta.
There's a lot of money to be made coming up with books and TV programs about aliens and all other wild-*** theories. There is also a lot more money to be made coming up with your own religion. If this offends the Christians maybe you can point to the thousands of religions in human history you DON'T believe in.

I've certainly listened to that late-night radio show Coast to Coast. That host must have a hard time listening to these crazies and not laughing.

I liked this program debunking all the Ancient Aliens stuff.

I don't think Jesus made any money from Christianity. As for his disciples, the only one to die a natural death (in exile) was John, while the others were all killed by crucifixion, stoning, burning and other means. How much money do you think they got for this?

There are, of course, always people willing to take advantage of people's beliefs for their own means.
Jesus and his followers were certainly the inspiration but they didn't start the religion. That came much later. By the time the Roman Catholics were firmly established it was about money and power. It still is. Hell, the church WAS the government for more than a thousand years. I'm not going to argue about whether Jesus really existed, as portrayed in the Bible that's for another time.

Back to aliens. There has been a lot in the news about some three-fingered Mummy aliens found in a mine. (Peru?) How much do want to bet that's a hoax?
Tell that to the Prosperity Preachers and their private jets. Fancy churches bug me. I think of the past in Europe. While the populace was starving and the church was building fantastic cathedrals.

A good example of what I was really talking about is L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. He made his own religion and made zillions and gained great power over people. An even more current example is a climatologist. They've convinced people the sky is falling and are making huge sums of money from people who have turned climate change into a religion. If you're a scientist you won't get published unless you fall in line with the zealots. I see an article every week explaining the fact that real science can't get out.

Back to UFOs. Society has always dreamed up bogeymen based on their own culture. We started seeing flying saucers at the beginning of our jet age. The distances are just too great in the universe for a visit from a race 100 million light years away.
Not much to say to this, you have ignored what I have written. Christianity is not about money. Mortal, sinful men are about money. There are countless examples as you mention of sinful men taking advantage of their fellow man. This is actually using the Lord's name in vain, regarding Christianity.

As to aliens travelling, well, I am in the camp we don't know quite enough yet to rule it out. More recent scientific discoveries like the "wall of fire" they think is out there on the edge and new theories about black holes tells me we still don't know what we think we know.
The uptick in claimed sighting of visitors, aren't we coming in closest proximity to our closest nieghbuoring galaxy right now or something for the last 3000+ years? Thought I read that somewhere.
Posted today. It sounds like NASA wants more money.

NASA has published its first-ever study into hundreds of alleged UFO sightings in recent decades, and has concluded that there is “no reason” to believe any of them are aliens.

“At this point there is no reason to conclude that existing UAP reports have an extraterrestrial source,” NASA said in its 33-page report, published Thursday.

Rather than using the term UFO, the government calls unexplained sightings UAPs, which refers to an “unidentified aerial phenomena.”

The agency went on to say, “However, if we acknowledge that as one possibility, then those objects must have traveled through our solar system to get here. Just as the galaxy does not stop at the outskirts of the solar system, the solar system also includes Earth and its environs.”

NASA also claimed that the study of UAPs will require new scientific techniques — such as advanced satellites — and that the act of reporting unidentified aerial phenomena needs to be destigmatized or else it could pose an obstacle to collecting data.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson

WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 14: NASA Administrator Bill Nelson attends a press conference at NASA headquarters on September 14, 2023 in Washington, DC. NASA announced the agency has appointed a new director of research to study “unidentified anomalous phenomenon”, formerly referred to as UFOs. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
“The negative perception surrounding the reporting of UAP poses an obstacle to collecting data on these phenomena,” the report read. “NASA’s very involvement in UAP will play a vital role in reducing stigma associated with UAP reporting, which almost certainly leads to data attrition at present.”

The study also noted that, to date, most alleged UAP sightings are recorded with sensors and other equipment that isn’t meant for such purposes or they are captured under accidental or “serendipitous” circumstances.

“At present, the detection of UAP is often serendipitous, captured by sensors that were not designed or calibrated for this purpose, and which lack comprehensive metadata,” the agency said.

NASA recommended that it “explore the viability of developing or acquiring a crowdsourcing system, such as open-source smartphone-based apps, to gather imaging data and other smartphone sensor data from multiple citizen observers” in order to better gather UAP reports from the public.

“In the search for life beyond Earth, extraterrestrial life itself must be the hypothesis of last resort — the answer we turn to only after ruling out all other possibilities,” the report read.

“As Sherlock Holmes said, ‘Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth,'” NASA added.

The NASA report concluded by recommending that the agency “play a prominent role” in the effort to understand UAPs.

“We recommend that NASA play a prominent role in the whole-of-government effort to understand UAP by leveraging its extensive expertise to contribute to a comprehensive, evidence-based approach that is rooted in the scientific method,” NASA asserted.

“NASA is uniquely positioned to contribute to a robust and systematic approach to studying UAP, furthering its mission of advancing scientific knowledge, technical expertise, and exploration,” it said.

“The positioning of NASA’s role should further be situated within the context of the broader whole-of-government approach to understanding UAP,” the report concluded.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagra
I wish there was intelligent alien life and they come by and take me away, earth is overrun by dummies.
I would miss my cars and one of my dogs though.
I do like the linking of climate change becoming a religion, worse yet is the proposed atonement for the sins committed will have us flogging ourselves for farting too much.
I wish there was intelligent alien life and they come by and take me away, earth is overrun by dummies.
I would miss my cars and one of my dogs though.
I do like the linking of climate change becoming a religion, worse yet is the proposed atonement for the sins committed will have us flogging ourselves for farting too much.
If you get picked up by the Gheers from planet Hypoid, they'll gladly take your cars along with you.
Back to aliens. There has been a lot in the news about some three-fingered Mummy aliens found in a mine. (Peru?) How much do want to bet that's a hoax?

The ones showed recently are clearly fake, the Paracas elongated skull people however are real and not the result of "cranial deformation." Head binding isn't going to change the size and location of the foramen magnum (hole where the spinal cord passes through the skull).

Whether the Paracas elongated skulls are the same as the Annunaki is an interesting question. DNA testing puts them in the same area, and elongated skulls have been found (not as well preserved) around the Mediterranean.
This falls under Occam's Razor.

a scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities

The simplest explanation is best.

Man, I wonder what this does to the function of their brains? I've been doing a lot of research on brain capacities and IQ. The sub-Saharan brain has differences compared to the European and Asian brains.
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The head binding argument has been addressed ad infinitum. That's why I said, in my previous post, that head binding can't change the size and location of the foramen magnum. Also, little baby skeletons have been found with the natural elongated skull. Too young for head binding, unless it can be done in the womb.

The simplest explanation is that there was/is yet another hominid species, and they reproduced with Homo Sapiens; as mentioned in the Bible with "fallen angels," and in Sumerian mythology with the Annunaki. How can that be hard to believe - we know Neanderthals mixed with Homo Sapiens, and IIRC Denisovans did as well. So why not another?
I chuckle when an argument boils down to it's true because the ancient myths I believe in say it's true. This goes for the Sumerians and the Bible. When there's money and power involved in coming up with wild theories I don't trust the purveyors. Same with the climate change frenzy. Pure science goes out the window when money/power are up for grabs.
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I think if aliens ever do show up it will be a form of life that is very far removed from our DNA. Two eyes etc. It could be in the form of a gas, a new kind of light, whatever works for them. Not angels or giants.

Now if we are doing this for just fun, I love the Aliens movies with their engineers. I love getting into the weeds with Ridley Scott and his writers. But it's all just entertainment. I'm not sure if you follow those movies but there are a lot of Bible references in them. That doesn't make them true.
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It's noteworthy that credentialed scientists will declare "Denisovans" after finding a finger bone, but won't touch dozens of extremely well preserved elongated skulls, even after Brian Foerster had them genetically tested with his own money.

Hey, did anyone know Jacob Rothschild was into head binding?


Here's a comment from another forum that I found interesting -



Jacob Rothshild again.


Patrick Stewart. Did anyone else think his head was a little strange?

Not-entirely-incidentally, "Stewart" is a royal house originating in Scotland.

Speaking of royalty, did the "Divine Right of Kings" ever strike you as a bullshit notion? Are the royal families just the descendants of common warlords who granted themselves titles and "the divine right to rule?"

Well, maybe not. Let's take a look at the Sumerian idea for a moment - "The Kingship descends from Heaven."

The great Anunnaki who decree the fate
sat exchanging their counsels regarding the land.
They who created the four regions,
who set up the settlements, who oversaw the land,
were too lofty for Mankind.

This is from Zechariah Sitchin's translation of the "Epic of Etana," and I have issues with it but I don't want to get too expansive here. I think he's correct and I'll move on.

The meaning here is that the low intelligence worker the Annunaki created (technologically) to do manual labor, was too unintelligent to directly interact with the Annunaki. The Kingship was created to be an intermediary, and given to the mixed-species, middle IQ children. These would be Gilgamesh (real King on the Sumerian King's list), early Pharoahs, and Ziusudra (aka NOAH) (also on the Sumerian King's list, preceding a flood event). Among others, who are not so well known.

Other than the very visible physical characteristics of the mixed children, you can also look to heraldic symbolism for proof. The two most important are the Bistea Neptunis (serpent/dragon/fish) and the Eagle/Eagle of Lagash (single or double-headed eagle). The Bistea Neptunis is the symbol of the creator, Enki Ea, and the Eagle of Lagash is the symbol of NInurta (Satan, Moloch). Speculatively, the Eagle may be a general symbol for the Enlil-ship, or for Enlil Nunamnir (Lucifer); but I haven't found any direct evidence for this.

Now if you look at world history you will often find the Eagle waging war on the Serpent.

Saint Patrick driving the serpents out of Ireland, an island that didn't have snakes? Roman Eagle vs Serpent priests, probably Druids descended from Hebrew Cohens (did you know how Hebraic/Jewish Scotland and Ireland are/were?).


Incan Empire vs Spain/the Holy Roman Empire?

Inca -


Spanish King/Holy Roman Emperor Charles V -


Mexican flag depicting the Aztec myth of the eagle consuming the serpent -


Colonization of Asia - Europe (eagle) vs Asia (dragon)


Here's an interesting one - Roman Eagle -


- versus -


I'd add that Melchizedek matches up well with Enki Ea, in Ea's role as the head of the Annunaki Serpent Priesthood.

The priest Melchizedek appears in three sections of Scripture. He is briefly introduced in Genesis 14:18–20. In a messianic psalm (Psalm 110:4), David addresses the “order of Melchizedek” specifically: after describing the victory and glory of the Messiah, David says,

“The Lord has sworn
and will not change his mind:
‘You are a priest forever,
in the order of Melchizedek’” (Psalm 110:4).

The author of Hebrews, in speaking of Christ, quotes this verse in Hebrews 7:17. So, Genesis provides background regarding the identity of Melchizedek, Psalm 110 connects Melchizedek to the Messiah, and Hebrews chapters 5, 6, and 7 describe the supremacy of Jesus as the Great High Priest, using Melchizedek’s role as an illustration of Jesus’ priesthood and kingship.

Tell that to the Prosperity Preachers and their private jets. Fancy churches bug me. I think of the past in Europe. While the populace was starving and the church was building fantastic cathedrals.

A good example of what I was really talking about is L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. He made his own religion and made zillions and gained great power over people. An even more current example is a climatologist. They've convinced people the sky is falling and are making huge sums of money from people who have turned climate change into a religion. If you're a scientist you won't get published unless you fall in line with the zealots. I see an article every week explaining the fact that real science can't get out.

Back to UFOs. Society has always dreamed up bogeymen based on their own culture. We started seeing flying saucers at the beginning of our jet age. The distances are just too great in the universe for a visit from a race 100 million light years away.
And just maybe the UFO's we see are
normally happily flying about on a
different plane that us archaic humans
reside in.
We're infants to what truly may be
occurring. These "aliens" may just
coexist here on earth, and have
been living on this planet for eons.
The occasional sighting would point
to a problem on their end, as we're
as strange to them as they are to
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