It is possible.
it is being used as a distraction. They use two things historically in the last couple decades as major distraction, and more recently a third:
Sex scandal
Impeachment or otherwise
And now oofo's.
Typically these distraction of this caliber come out when they are:
Doing really bad financial system things
trying to enact laws that remove more of our freedoms
Adding taxes they did not want to talk about.
Example: While blue dress was happening, the guy involved quietly signed away Glass-Steagal and allowed for the first time since the great depression for investment/savings banks to speculative trade with their profits(interest on loans). If you recall anything from the early 2000's when this policy finally played out, we got "too big to fail" because the law they revoked was put in place to allow FDIC insurance. The tax payers were on the hook for the bail out by law, but they sure didn;t want us to realize that.
Anyway, if we look to what is happening right now elsewhere, we will find a former president in court, oofo's, and of course we had the sex scandal not so long ago. When the trifecta of distractions are shoved back to back, one has to wonder just what is in store for us.
On Christianity and the Bible and oofo's-
To my understanding nothing in the Bible talks about anything besides the Earth, the home God made for us. Heavens and the Earth is not used to mean other planets, but then, it could be I suppose. One thing people like to overlook is that we cannot understand the nature of God by what is in the Bible, only that he is described as all powerful and all knowing and is eternal. We are supposedly "made in God's image" but that has lead to all sorts of speculation as well, we really don't know how to interpret that. God could look like us but be 100 feet tall or 3mm tall or who knows. Apes look like us, in a way. So do the "greys" people like to draw. We could only know if we meet him, and the people that do aren't in a position to tell us anymore

Usually, for any topic regarding the Bible(and I am going to generalize) angry debates come up because someone has decided that they "know" some definitive fact about our creation, the creation of the universe, how the mechanics of the creation work, or some aspect of God that is always not directly described in the bible for us. That is the hibris of man, our ego, to presume we can understand all the workings of everything. We certainly learn more every day. Things we "knew" 200 years ago have been proven completely false as we keep searching.
True debate and resolution can occur if two people that understand what we know, what we don't know, what we can't know, decide to discuss something. Rare, and in most cases one side of the pair at best, and usually not broadcast for the world to find like angry arguments are.
Christianity is a very personal religon, in that at it's foundation is personal faith. no one else can believe for you. Other people can share their wisdom and observations with you, books can share what wisdom and observations those that came before had, but it is on the individual to search, observe, evaluate and decide on faith.
That said-
My personal alignment is with Lutheran Christianity, meaning what the Bible says it was goes. Other types of Christianity have long been influenced by the hubris of man, injecting things into God's word that are not actually in the Bible, sometimes good, sometimes for "human" reasons. These add-ons have not helped in the debates I mention above.
My personal speculation(not called out, nor refuted in the Bible) is that "time" is the fourth dimension, the human soul exists in that dimension, and that we have our physical(first three dimensions) body to allow us to make that self determination about faith, develope a personality for our soul, that type of thing. God exists there, and knows all and can do anything because he exists at every single instance of time(the human mind can understand the concept infinity but not actually understand infinity) so everything is happening at the same time but not happening and creation is possible because God has eternity to do it...
when you take a reference away from time in the physical world, time as a measurement becomes meaningless.
When we die, our soul continues on with God in that dimension forever.
Again, I have made this complete speculation because we are not told how eternity works, just that it is a thing. Like every other person on the planet, I search for more meaning and understanding of life and my completely unverifiable theory is just my musings on a possibility. I could be completely wrong.
Maybe God is an alien. Maybe the oofo's are us percieving the dimension of time but for an instant. maybe the catastrophic events that reset civilization in the past thousands of years ago were God's way of starting us over as if we figure out how to perceive "time" our purpose in life is destroyed and it unravels our own physical reality. I HAVE NO IDEA. no one does, and they can;t, and anyone that thinks they do is letting their ego and hubris take over their logical thought.
Sorry this got so long. Like most things of this nature, it is difficult to sum up in less words, and our society likes to try to cover topics like these from the perspective we are the smartest thing in existence and "this is the answer" laid out in 3 bullet points on a TV screen. Society was and could be a lot more productive and calmer if we would go back to understanding all we know is nothing, and the scraps we gain are only tiny bits of the grand puzzle.