I love the NSS racing. I grew up in the 60's and 70's and all I wanted to do was get me a muscle car as soon as I was old enough. I love the cars because it brings back good merories of the best times in my life and I love the fact that you can tell what kind of cars they are. You know you can tell if my 63 Ply is racing a 64 Thunderbolt Ford. Not like now where all the race cars look like generic race cars.................in other words they all look the same and you cant tell a Dodge from a Chevy ! Seems most poeople today root for their favorite driver in racing and I guess they have to since all cars look the same. But not me I rooted for the cars I wanted to win and thats why I am so glad Sox & Martin raced the Mopars in their highlite of their careers.
I actually built my last eng for my 63 still on a tight budget as I have been all my life but I wanted a vintage looking SuperStock Mopar Max Wedge car that I could drive anywhere on the street for as far as I want and I wanted it to run 10's on pump gas thru the pipes just like I drive it. I am very pleased with my car as I have my street/strip car I can take to the local cruise or car show every weekend or to the local dragstrip and race. I have actually raced with the 422 NSS club twice as my brother races with them all the time. They let me run once a year or so when I asked but to be legal for their rules I need to put a name on my car and run 2 fours. I really cant afford to race alot anyway and I dont really want to put a name on my car. But if I get into some money where I could race more often I have consisdered a magnetic sticker for the car with the name........."Red Rocket" ! I actually want to try running two carbs one day and see how I like it. As for the car it has run 10.70's so far thru the pipes on pump and I just want to work it down to solid 10.50's. But I do love the NSS racing alot and I also enjoy the FAST and Pure Stock muscle cars also. I hope to try and run a few more races with the 422 club in the next year or two. Ron