Yup I see that. Funny a few on the back looked new....Your freeze plugs are shot.
Yup I see that. Funny a few on the back looked new....Your freeze plugs are shot.
Well there’s not much “atmosphere” on the cam plug, plus it has oil surrounding it.View attachment 563318
Yup I see that. Funny a few on the back looked new....
Right thats what I am thinking. As much as a 408 would be really neat if this engine is good I am nit one to waste a good thing.Looks like it was apart before with the orange silicon. I tore mine all the way down and had Dave put it back together. I could not justify doing it twice if I did it for what he charged to reassemble it to a long block.
Do you know for certain that’s it’s never been apart before? (Previously decked, heads milled, etc?)Right thats what I am thinking. As much as a 408 would be really neat if this engine is good I am nit one to waste a good thing.
Actually I think it was rebuilt. I didn’t mic the bore however. I didn’t see any machine marks on the deck....I did see white writing on the crank.Do you know for certain that’s it’s never been apart before? (Previously decked, heads milled, etc?)
Hi Wyr What do you mean by the compression height measurement? Can you elaborate on how to do that one?measure your deck clearance piston at TDC to dec at all 4 corners and report before you take the rods off
let us know the compression height of the pistons- center of the pin to the top
and numbers on the pistons
check the tops for +30 0r anything
could you mic the head gaskets or are they shims?
Hi Wyr What do you mean by the compression height measurement? Can you elaborate on how to do that one?
Ah piston height ok got it! ThanksCenter of the Piston Pin to the top of the Piston face. It is needed to calculate compression ratio as is the deck height, the distance from the top of the piston to the top of the block at TDC.
CH? The car is 1970 I bet its the original block but have not yet confirmed from the casting number.There were several CH used in 318's and if the motor was ever rebuilt it's possible that "compensated" cast pistons were installed
"compensated" pistons reduce the compression height (and thus increase the deck clearance) to make up for the extra cu inches the bore gives.
It is however a big looser when performance (any kind from mileage to power) are concerned.
The deck height at all four corners will tell us if the block is "square" and if we are really good if it has been decked already (not likely- but how old of iron are we working on...
I have a dial indicator abd mag base yes. No degree wheel....Rotate #1 to tdc, slap a straight edge across the bore and measure the gap with feeler gauges. Repeat on #7, 2 and 8. Do you have a dial indicator and degree wheel?
I am not all that experienced with rotating assemblies but I would have expected the rotation to be both easier and smoother than it isas i hand rotate it with the breaker bar.
Hey miller, it was offset when I pulled it. I did check and it was tight. I thought it odd that it was not flat and assumed it should have been. Before start up I did prime the engine and did get a lot of action from it but good eye it was not flat to the bottom of the pan...Just curious. Was the pick-up tube in that position, when you pulled the pan? Or, it's just been moved.
Thanks understoodThe rings add friction so it shouldn't necessarily be easy. You can get tdc close by using the mag base dial indicator by itself. Rotate one way and then back. At some point it will stop rising, flatten out and then go back down.