Ok, I managed to put the genie back in the bottle - well, 1 quart of it anyways.
I had bought a new drain pan container thingy just for the occasion so as to minimize contamination,
so I pulled the plug (front of car elevated to aid drainage) and let it drain until it was a very slow drip.
I did not disturb the filter.
Once I got all it had to offer, I chucked up an empty quart container from the trash and funneled up to it.
Filled that (gee, the oil isn't nearly as pretty as it was when it was put in!), then headed to the fill on the
engine valve cover. The rest went in the car, pretty near every drop.
I let the car down off the jack, bounced on the front a few times to settle it down, let it sit for 5 minutes for
all the oil to get to the pan, then pulled the dipstick.
The oil now comes up to the last "D" in "ADD".
Ok, in addition to all my other questions, I need to ask someone a favor here:
Pull your dipstick and measure it from the little flange seat that stops it in the tube up top down to the very tip
at the other end, please?
I think we're about to find something out here.