Swapped out the Holley for an Edelbrock. Old girl runs awesome
Brother and I swapped a 70 727 trans into my 65 Coronet several weeks. After tracking down all the cables and stuff needed to convert the stock shifter I finally got it all together yesterday. But then it wouldn't shift properly and it ended up getting stuck. Had to disconnect to new shifter and kickdown cables and bracket and the trans pan, then loosen the valve body and the shift mechanism freed up again. Once I figured out where park should be, I have started putting in back together again. Hopefully it'll work this time. I think I can put the new bracket on the bottom of the trans with some spacers (before putting the pan back on again) and get all the cable adjustment set. I came in to look up torque specs for the valve body and trans pan bolts and ran into an old post from Budnicks about it. Thanks for the info Budnicks.
Gtx Won't start and the throttle cable broke.
A Twofer.Gtx Won't start and the throttle cable broke.
Gtx Won't start and the throttle cable broke.
Did you go with an AVS2?Swapped out the Holley for an Edelbrock. Old girl runs awesome
So I got the transmission pan and new cables all back on.
Here is the old and messed up linkage
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New Cables and brackets
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After taking the pan off again because the detent? stuck. Turns out I didn't have the transmission in park and hooked up the linkage in the wrong spot. You can see the new shift cable bracket
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New speedo cable, reman'd housing and new gear. Conversion trans mount for the 70 trans in the 65 Coronet.
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New shift cable and kickdown setups on the trans. oh and rerouted battery cable for the starter. While the car was at my brother's he burned up the original starter so we put in a smaller starter he had given me. The original cables had to route thru the header and was leaning on the steering shaft with the new starter, so I decided to reroute the wiring and replace them. Good thing I did because the old power connections cover was breaking away right at the starter connection.
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The new trans pan. Extra 3 1/2 quarts. The new kickdown cables run around the back of the trans and up and over the middle top of the case up to the new brackets by the carb. I also had to get the transmission cooling lines setup and adjusted to make sure there was room for everything. I'll get the trans lines hooked together for now so I can make sure the trans and new cable-ling all works.
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Close one. I installed the deep pan too, either B&M or Derale I don't remember which. Like that it has a bung for adding a temp gauge. Coupled with a stacked-plate cooler, the trans doesn't go above 185* with a 3,000 stall converter.I just hooked some trans hose between the transmission lines at the front and was about to fill er up with trans fluid when I looked over at the workbench and noticed something I forgot to put back in.Holy Sh1t!!! Pull the pan of AGAIN
in the next couple days. Need to get a trans cooler ordered too. Don't know how I forgot that either. Crap.
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I can't wait to see this machine done. It's one thing to put together a car with orginal parts, but to build what's in your mind is art.Primered and painted the K frame. Drilled holes for the master cylinder and backing plate, the close out panels and the radiator/trans cooler. Cleaned up and primered the pop up gas cap base well.
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Thank you!I can't wait to see this machine done. It's one thing to put together a car with orginal parts, but to build what's in your mind is art.
Forgot to FLUSH??
Nice work