Yesterday, I replaced the @#$! battery in the GTX; happens every 4-5 years.
A 27 series with big CCA ain't cheap. They know what they're doing with that 3 year warranty...
Rudimentary diagnostics over with (alternator fine, wiring & connections good, etc.),
it was obvious another of Advance Auto's finest (Johnson Controls) had bit the dust.
They never lose their volts, seems like - just the balls-deep amps needed for a cold start.
Given our current status money-wise, it was game over as far as I was concerned;
can't justify hobby money right now, least to me.
My wife would have none of it, however. She downright got insistent and made me go
fetch another one.
She knows the car is one of few bright spots for me right now....
The beauty of using a later model Dakota-type starter is it fits with headers,
turns the 440 over with ease and supposedly takes less amps to do so.
The achilles heel of them are - they give no warning of a battery on the way out.
There's enough juice to turn them or their isn't and they go from r-r-r-r-r to clicky-click
all at once.
In olden days, you'd hear the starter starting to labor more and more over time as the
battery lost its' ***; not with these modern jobbers, though.
It's a fair trade to me, just takes you by surprise is all.