2 weeks in the fridge & freezer maybe another 2 weeks
fuel wise it'd suck ***
I have 10-20 gallons of gas for generators
I recycle & put in my truck & refill every few months
transportation would be a real issue, eventually
especially with an elderly man/dad needing specific RX regularly
heat we have a crapload of trees nearby
&/or to cook,
I also have a BBQ & bunch of bags of brickets
may need to saw them down by hand/buck saw etc.
wildlife around here we have a crapload of them too
but if SHTF, everyone up here would be hunting/killing
& eating them too
water would suck, we are on a lil' community ran water district
sort of
Once the power went out for 7+ days (maybe 10 ?) here,
maybe 7-8 years ago
It started to get bad here,
no help from the powers to be
local govt. Power Co., Water co. etc.
"you're on your own & fend for yourself",
suggestions like, "leave go down to the valley
or to a relatives place"

not with a bunch of animals etc.
It was like 15* outside too, mid Jan. IIRC
we had food for a month at least, no problem
lots of dried good if need be, top ramen bean rice pasta cerials,
canned foods, meat in the freezer,
keep stuff outside in the snow if need be, if the generator couldn't run
just getting drinking water, jugs to flush the toilets too
& having to stoke a fire 24-7, is a real deal
(hard work, I can handle it, but someone much older would/could die)
I'm sure something down in town, 10-11 miles away they had supplies...
We had a generator & lots of wood,
thank goodness I had just filled all my fuel jugs...
I helped my nextdoor neighbors out too, they had young kids like 2-3 & 5-6
they/we shared food, ate with each other, saved supplies
& I shared my fuel, so they'd still have the generator too,
not many gas stations were even open what ones that were,
it was a big outage up here
wet snow/then freezing conditions, ice took out a bunch of trees
that took out a bunch of powerlines, crazy ****
Stations were rationing gas... 10 gal. per customer,
my deal was about 3 gal. every 12 hrs
I'd run it 1/2 the day... fire it back up the next day do the same thing...
didn't need it to run 24/7...
Mainly the fridge, a light & a lil space heater for my dad,
he's always cold, even with a fire roaring
(this was before his heart opperation)
Darren' the man of the house next door was down in Pismo Beach area,
on some emergency assignments, some disaster, spill or wildlife-related,
doing something with/for the Ca.DoF&G
Inconveniences like;
shitting 'hanging it out' over a log outside, burring it, isn't fun
using grass to wipe your ***, isn't fun either...
I'm sure my Neanderthal ways would come back...
The plandemic or future
panicking ********, those part-timers that
come up here from the valley
or them greedy fucks
during the 2020-21 plandemic
coming up here to shop, we didn't close down like they all did
because most all of their stores where almost empty down in the valley/shitty's,
because of their greed/select hoarders...
Screw the next guy, I'm getting mine, their I don't care about yours, attitudes...
Because of the greedy ******** hoarding **** t-paper & p-towells, baby formula
soups, dry goods, most all staples, they really were/still are ********...
I didn't have an issue, but I know a couple people that did
when times get tough, the
real bad people show their ugly heads
I'm prepared for some of it, not all of it
I wish for the best, hopefully it doesn't come down to me
needing to have to use my acquired skill/s set/s
I'm a survivor, if it was just me, It'd be no problem
I can & will adapt & overcome
I worry about my elderly dad
or my dog (he's not getting any younger either)
I guess it depends on the specific situations
I hope it never comes to that in my lifetime
with the current
******** at 1600 Penn. Ave
it may not be as far-fetched either, coming true or to fruition...
There's such division in this country now,
Americans pitted against each other,
the race relation has gone to **** since Nov 2008, set US all back 60+ years now
they've set * have stoked the fires...
We see it every damn day,
from the so-called leaders
the great '
divider in Chief' stoked the fires, divided the nation..
(can we even trust the woke govt., 1st responders, military to do the
right thing ?)
inner-shitty's would kill most all of each other off 1st...
Depleat all their resources 1st...
It's not like it used to be...
Americans standing together, no matter what, American pride
help one another, IMHFO it'd probably be
everyone fends for themselves...
Only the strongest or toughest/or ruthless/lawless greedy fucks, will survive
(you can see it even in the posts here)
elites will all run & hide, locked away in some safe space,
so the snowflakes don't melt...
Instead of standing up, being
a real leader & having law & order
sense of calm, we got this ****, don't worry
They'll all panick, they've already proved that, during the
plandemic & riots
rant over
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