I was a **** and I don't care who knows it! I would say whore, but I never charged..... I'd been from one to the other, never finding the so called, "the one", do they really exist. I found my wife at work and wanted nothing to do with her. We talked and that was that. She had a long term boyfriend and I was going out with an old girlfriend on a retry. She had asked me before if I wanted to have a drink after work sometime, I said no. It started when she asked me how my dating was going with the old girlfriend, I said there was no going back, it just wasn't there. She said good and walked away. I was just standing there watching her walk away when she turned around, gave me the look, and kept on going. That was the end of our just friend relationship. It turns out her boyfriend was a piece of **** that didn't know what he had. He got his walking papers and I got Theresa, 44 years ago.
The trick to women is pretty easy, It was given to me when I was 16 by a 28 year old woman, that turned into a time in my life that left me a better person when it came to women, I will never forget her. She told me that a good woman, when given 50 percent, will give 75 percent. When given 75 percent, she'll give 100. When you give her 100 percent, she'll give 150 and the fact is, it works. I was never interested in a self-serving women and they get weeded out pretty quickly and the signs are easy to see, what have you done for me latelys were shown the door, post haste. A good woman is a prize and will always stand by you, right or wrong. She'll take that stand with you if you show her the few things all good women want, respect , a little doting and the biggie, open honesty and trust. Women love open honesty and if done right, it shows a side of you that leaves them open to showing you a little more of them. A good women will want to show herself to you, but not if you can't be trusted. No woman wants a wimp or a baby, but being open is a thing that gives women pause to know your human and can be hurt. My father was a lucky man and he and my mother had a special thing, till the day they both took their final breath. My father always said I was lucky having Theresa and I told him, I know that, but, the real luck was not only in having her, it was in finding her. To me, finding a woman is as easy as going to the grocery store, church or anywhere you can get a chance to ask about something she may be able to help you with. They will always want to be needed for advice and an opinion and if you think you know everything, stay home and marry your hand, because if you lead always, you'll end up with a boat anchor. Most of the time you can look at her friends and family dynamics and get a pretty good idea of the person she is. My daughter is nothing like her mother or I and she is 36 and goes through men like **** through a tin horn. She likes to lead and most men don't like a steady diet of being told when and how. She'll never find a good man or have children. The men she finds, love the money and what comes with it. If a woman needs money walk away, if she has a good time on almost nothing, it's you, not the wallet she's after.
The REAL answer to finding a woman is to be ready to talk and find that second, it only takes a second, to start up a conversation, about anything, anywhere, it can be the weather, it's situational and being ready to put yourself in line with the opportunity. If she blows you off, move on. You can't get discouraged, it can be her not you. Remember, your both weeding out the ********. No one said it was going to happen every time. It's like fishing, sometimes you sit there with your pole in your hand............ but, eventually you will catch one or find someone to help you hold your pole.......... This is my story and I'm sticking to it..........