67 coronet
Well-Known Member
would be a fun project to drive around while you customize it to the way you want it.you may have to pry a honda out of the wheel well now and then but it sure wont slow down that tank.
Hmm. Think I gotta disagree on this one. ABS, power steering, airbags are positives no matter what. As much as us older drivers know what we're doing without these improvements, (yes, my first car had no ABS/power steering/airbags), some modern additions make cars safer to drive. I was merging onto the freeway recently when a dumbass decided to cut me off, and I hit the brakes hard in my '74. Wheels locked on dry pavement and I fishtailed. I've been driving for over 20 years, drove transit for 4. Kept control of my Charger and didn't lose my cool, I was a bit freaked out but that was it. A kid under 20 who has very little experience and their wheels lock? Very bad combination.
Older cars are much harder to control in an evasive maneuver, and kids have a tendency to get themselves into stupid situations on the road, because they don't know what to look out for. The more I think about it, the better a newer car would be for my kids based on just the maneuverability and safety factors.
Heck I would! I'd tool all over town with a Panama Jack hat, camel hanging out of my mouth, listening to Bing Crosby just because I could
Now I want to see Rusty's smart *** response.
Less that 2G & it runs.
That's true. A big heavy old car can be safer in a crash, but only as long as you aren't bouncing around inside that thick metal box. That's why I recommend the upgraded belts and harness. JMHO
I figure, if I let my oldest get the car he wanted(72 Satrunner) I owe the same to the younger son. Honestly, neither of the boys want these cars as daily drivers. They want their "first" car to be the car they love, and will keep for ever, regardless of whatever else they own. Whatever they end up driving as daily cars, I'm glad they chose some Mopar classics as their first.