Yep. IMO he should have just pulled back after the first close call....instead of driving in anger.Why "rooster " ? Is that a kiwi synonym for doofus?

Yep. IMO he should have just pulled back after the first close call....instead of driving in anger.Why "rooster " ? Is that a kiwi synonym for doofus?
Treat it like an unfortunate coincidence.The reason I ask, my last name translates as Rooster. Guess I 'd better not vacation in New Zealand, lol.
You must have spotted the blacked out engine bay.He had his turn signal on, so I think he meant to do it. Knew where he was going all the time.
Or a chevy racer trying out his first MOPAR.
I think maybe too much ego and not enough seat time.Too much power for an inexperienced driver .