Well-Known Member
Ok more work on the house but then more work on the Coronet. I got my NOS antenna. Pretty, but it should be for the price. It got dark before I got a picture. I am thinking based on the hack of a fader switch that the radio was dealer installed. The hole in the fender was not big enough for the OEM antenna. I think the POS aftermarket antenna was the original antenna installed by the dealer. I also fabricated my underhood harness for the FiTech EFI. Everything needed for the EFI system. Sorry for the focus I did not realize the autofocus was not on and without my glasses I don't know if the screen is in focus or not. Getting old sucks.
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I also bought 5 gallons of gas and got it in the tank. The gas gauge did not move much... I think the calibration of the aftermarket float won't be right. I need to measure the resistance of the sensor with 5 gallon and write it down. I know empty it is about 80 ohms. I have a few data points from my previous test of where the gauge is with different resistances. I will then add another 5 gallons and see what the resistance is. I will then just add a resistor in parallel in the harness somewhere to fine tune the sensor to the gauge. Before I called it a night I plugged in the handheld, turned on the key and communicated with the ECU! I did not have the fuel pump wires hooked up yet. Need daylight and fresh head to ensure I am getting what I need from the fuel system.
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Why cam setting on 2 for your mild lil 318 Jim?
My 220 degree at 50 cam in 468 is set on 2. You may be happier with 1