WOW!!!! I just went through every page. You guys have some incredible skills tackling a job like that. Just simply freaking awesome! I wish I had the ambition, skills and talent to take on a project like that.
I used to throw up a little when someone would mention the words Orange and muscle car in the same sentence. :icon_puke_r: :icon_puke_l:

uke: :icon_thumbdown: But you have definitely changed my mind with some of the colours you have posted. The CopperSunset or Copperhead pearl get my vote. The video of the Ghost Works Garage '69 Charger in 2006 GoMango looks good too. The orange Cobra really pops. Someone mentioned House Of Color Tangelo Pearl but to me that is too bright of an orange. I like the darker hues. See this thread on FABO for a Tangelo Pearl Duster. Did anyone mention Prowler Orange yet?
Please don't paint it black. My '71 Demon is black - boring black. There's plenty of black Chargers out there already. But if you do paint it black, I'd go with a red butt stripe instead of white. Ironically, the original colour of my Demon was orange that a previous owner changed to black.
So now that I've ticked off owners with orange or black cars, I'd pick the orange over the black. I really don't think there'd ever be a problem selling an orange Charger once someone see's this build thread and how well it is constructed. Good luck on your choice and have fun with it. :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft:
