center line of roof and center line of top marked with pencil.
My method, glue and luck.
a narrow strip sprayed down both center lines to place the top correctly and start working outwards. The 2 little cross marks come together to locate front to back, the long line is for side to side.
center line is glued, I worked my way out towards a drip rail about 8" at a time. A band of glue on the roof and on the vinyl.
Another band
getting somewhere.
Now I'm out to a seam.
I dreaded this part but it went well.
Trimming along my tape line, lifting the vinyl up to the knife, not making contact with the paint at any time.
A tag sewn onto the other seam, warranty void if removed... I laughed a little, then carefully removed it. :grin:
flip the loose material over the top of the glued material and begin the other side.
Had to test fit some trim while waiting for glue to tack up.
Trimming driver's side.
I wouldn't say it was a super hard thing to do, it just takes some time. It came out really nice. I just have to glue down my material where it tucks into the front and back glass areas and the top will be done.