Right. "The" go-to-carb.......in the 70s. 3310 was a household name. My mom probably knows what a 3310 is. It was simply a 1970s, budget, universal carb. Question to you. Do you have any data that shows the 3310 outperforming a tuned factory 1 11/16" primary/secondary AFB or AVS on a stockish 440 or 383? How about a Chevy, Pontiac Ford? I do not. Not saying never, But I have not. The exception of Holley data by Holley. I do know of cases where someone had a AVS or AFB that did not run well because of a problem, and they would just buy a 3310 and were much happier.
I currently have a bunch of carbs, including two or three 3310s, not to mention all the ones that I messed with in the 70s that are either now gone, or were someone else's. So this is the basis of my conclusion. Of all of the 3310s, my "original" 3310 with the rear metering block and secondary down leg boosters runs the best.
I have done several back to backs track events with a stockish 440 and 383 with 3310 and the big AVS/AFBs, and the Carters were either the same or just slightly quicker. I've also done the same with the 3310 and 4779, and the 4779 was always faster, even on a stockish BB Mopar.