Back with some more updates. More like two steps forward, three steps back.
Had this really crummy thing happen to me for the second time - I cracked a valve cover. I'm really upset about this one, these are made-in-Japan M/T no logo covers which are super rare and in really nice shape. At some point I may take it somewhere to see if it can be repaired. Same thing happened with a set of Cal Custom covers.
So painful and expensive lesson learned - don't use cast valve covers on OE heads with "modern" gaskets. I should have known better and could have avoided this but obviously was not thinking clearly. When I installed them, I could see a gap between the head and the gasket which obviously would have leaked oil everywhere. Kept going around and tightening the bolts a little at a time with a 1/4" ratchet to see if it would close down but no dice. Guess I found the breaking point. I'm sick over this, just totally pissed at myself.
Luckily I ordered two sets of gaskets from Summit. I used Fel-Pro 1612 on the cast ones here but also got a set of Mr. Gasket Ultra-Seal "just in case". Glad I had the foresight to do that because luckily I had a pair of OE stamped-steel valve covers on the shelf. Cleaned them up, sprayed a little paint and they were ready to go.
Incidentally, I used valve cover studs with these which worked out well. They are ARP made specifically for use with OE type stamped valve covers. I bought them mistakenly several years ago but never used them because I usually use some type of cast covers.
I also went against my better judgement and used a ton of gasket goop to glue the gaskets down. Definitely fought with it, was oozing out everywhere but in the end, it worked. Took the car out for an extended drive the other day and no visible leaks for now.
I created a different thread about my ongoing power steering leak. Will update here when I get to some sort of conclusion in that battle.
In other news - during the most recent drive the other day, I experienced an EFI-related stall issue. It's happened three times under the same conditions; in second gear under light throttle and very little load, like when slowing down for a stop light or driving slowly through neighborhood streets behind a slower-moving car. Also pretty certain that each time it's happened I was on and off the clutch in rapid succession trying to modulate speed. I've seen this discussed on the Holley forums a little. From what I've read, there is a parameter in the software regarding fuel shutoff under deceleration, thinking I might need to turn that off and see if that clears up the issue. I don't have a working PC at the moment, have to get a new laptop screen and unless I partition my Mac to run Windows, I'm SOL. What this means is that I can't get into the software to look at data logs or make any changes so until I get a new laptop screen I'm currently dead in the water on that front.
Regardless, once the conditions are met and it wants to stall, there's pretty much nothing you can do, it won't respond. The other day when it happened I was putzing along at around 20 mph and the engine just shut off like it ran completely out of fuel. Managed to pull it off to the side and thankfully there was little to no traffic this time. Like the times before, it would crank but wouldn't fire again until several minutes later. Was sort of far from home so was relieved when it fired up again.
Looking at the bigger picture, I'm hoping all these mishaps and struggles don't paint a picture of some hapless hack who doesn't know his *** from his elbow. Yeah, some of these things are the result of doing things unconsciously which took a catastrophic event to wake me up. It's been mentioned before but I have to think some of this teething is because I'm trying to re-engineer old, worn-out parts that don't always play along.
Getting colder here and driving fun time is dwindling. Noticed that I've started looking into some parts I have on hand to build a different motor. Not quite sure I'm ready to start on a big project like that right now but the wheels are turning.
Stay tuned.