Well-Known Member
You got skills Speedy, that already looks pretty damn good "Glad I could help". I don't know if all dipsticks are the same but I'd order the flexible Lokar one if I had it to do over (had to bend this one and it barely fits still). If insulating the floor I'd check into Bonded Logic from Summit, I used they're super mat and sticky stuff adhesive "allot more for your money", it is a little thick for doing doors but really nice stuff. Enjoy
Thanks man! And I'm being way more careful with the sandpaper this time lol. Yeah the lokar ones are expensive but I wasn't sure if I'd have that same problem as you with a standard dipstick, especially since you've seen how tight everything is around my headers haha. Hm I'll have to check that stuff out, I was just gonna go with dynamat xtreme cause it got a lot of good reviews other than price, but its half price right now with instant rebate :shruggy:
Great job on the I-beam ( or H-beam if you look at it sideways (SMILE ) ) . . . and awesomeness from 747Mopar for adding his "part" to your Frankenstein ! ! !
How can you beat that - this group is the greatest when I see things like this - people helping each other out ! ! ! You're top notch 747Mopar ! ! !
Thanks 67! And yep that was really cool of him to help out like that! Just more proof of how the fbbo is such a great place to be, thanks to friends like 747 :icon_thumleft:
Nice job on the I trim Speedy. I didn't know it was possible to bring those pieces back from the dead. After seeing yours, I never should have boughten a new set for my car. Live and learn I guess - at least I didn't throw my old set in the dumpster.
Thanks elk! And if you have the money, buying a new set may be a more reasonable way to go lol. It's possible to save them especially if they only have a couple little dings, but I've spent about 3 hours on this I beam and still have a little less than half of it left to straighten out. They're just chromed aluminum, so if you sand the chrome off and work the metal straight they can be buffed with blue compound to look brand new. This is the back of it where you can see how much I've worked the metal, I just used a body hammer, some small scrap square pieces of aluminum I picked up from the machine shop I work in, and an old flattened punch:

- - - Updated - - -
Wow Speedy, she sure is coming together fast. It's amazing what a little spit and polish can do.![]()
And don't forget the elbow grease! Haha, thanks man!
You sure got a knack for this work! Great job. Hit her with the brown, grey then white compounds and that puppy will be shinning like chrome. Real nice of 747 to donate that to you. True car guys around here! Doing their own hard work and helping each other out. Much rather hang out with you fella's then sit and listen to a turn key car show junky brag about his #'s matching wiper blades and vintage floor mats.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks Prop! And I agree 100% you guys are all way cooler to hang with on here than the typical parking lot/lawn chair warriors that seem to be all too common these days. You're all an awesome group of friends and make me glad I joined up with this misfit outfit in the first place haha
And thanks for the suggestion on compounds, I might have to try that out! I was also told if you hand sand it up to like a wet 400 grit and hit it with blue compound it'll look like chrome too, have you ever tried that way? My friend buffed a little spot that was only sanded with 320 just to show what it looks like, and you can barely see any sanding scratches, crazy!