WOW, an electrical engineer doesn't know codes lol. You probably know a lot more than them! I've seen your attention to detail and that's really the most important thing, sloppy workmanship is responsible for more failures than code violations IMO.
My dad was an Electrical Engineer . . . and he taught me how to wire a house my whole life - probably can do it better than some, and not quite as good as others . . .
Sure beats the wire-tied electrical connections that I have found in my attic ( buried under the insulation ) that are made not inside an electrical box - and yes, I've been fixing them as I find them !
Some "codes" are a matter of common sense and being safe . . .
Absolutely. Hey, many of the codes are there for good reason and make good sense, so I am all about following stuff that makes sense. As an aside I heard from an electrician friend of mine that the NEC (National Electric Code) is a FOR PROFIT group. They make profit by selling NEC books. If the codes don't change, they don't sell books, so they keep adding crap every year just to keep up book sales. I can't personally vouch for that, but my electrician friend was pretty wound up about that.
At any rate, making sure the electrical stuff is right IS important, especially the basics like making sure you wire Hot and Neutral to the proper side, use the correct gauge wire, make good connections, etc.
I have no doubt based on the rest of the garage that the electrical will be first rate too. Go Dad!
