Well Gents,
We have come to our first real dilema here on this build....This car was totally whacked out when i got it. Fenders, doors, etc etc didn't line up, Full of Bondo, Obscured Body lines, etc etc. I'm trying to build a Nice driver, key word being "Nice". It wont be a trailer queen,will never be 'Shown" but driven to cruise ins, and big Shows and events like Carlisyle...Key word being driven.... I've driven my other cars including convertibles in miserable rain to Carlisle or Indy, or Daytona from North Carolina. We are trying our best to get this car back to some assemblance of square so everything lines up, Top seals, & Doors open & Close as they should.... With that said,Myself & Terry ( My Best friend & Welder/fabricator) We both Noticed that the rocker we just put in shrunk after it was being Welded in... By that, I mean, We had it all lined up Top square and level, and bottom lining up, etc etc.It all looked great. We tacked it, checked everything, and welded it in. Spot welds across the top to top of rocker support, and spots across pinch welds. Then tacked it on the ends, and then across the bottom last. We used a porta power, and piece of channel Iron to hold the Bottom where we wanted it as we went across welding. As we did this, apparently it was Pulling down on the Outer edge at the top of the rocker right under the door possible from the heat ??. In either case, when it was all said and done, and after we started dressing the welds, it became apparent that the gap now under the door is uneven as the top of the rocker is higher at the front fender end and is trailing downward towards the Quarter panel end....
So, I want honest opinions. How bad does it look ?? its up on the wheel cribs now, so when you sit down....You really notice it. But when the car is on the floor and you're standing, I dont know how much you will... I guess it could be minimized with some filler, but we are not big fans of anything over a skim... I'll take more photo's tomorrow. We still Have to pull a spot out on the quarter edge where its pushed in etc etc, so the gap on the end between Door and quarter should grow a little which will help. Its really bothering Terry, He likes things perfect Right now its a flat blade screwdriver tip at the front, and a fingertip at the back so probably a 3/16 drop/difference in the gap.... It will have to be split, and a rod or welded in to fix it.....