I'll just say this from my own experience. No, never have wiped a cam lobe.
Pistons? Get to that, in a moment. Pretty obvious you've got 'loose' metal in the engine. Tear down, all the way, like some of the guys are saying. Got to get things cleaned out! Bearings, pistons, oil galleys all need to be looked at. Crummy deal wiping that many lobes, but have to do what you gotta do.
At this time, my intake is off, and have a good look at my cam...all is good, at 800 miles on the motor. Have to put some faith in the parts you use. I went with Crower, all in, break-in lubes, tappets, only a bump over a stock HP 440 cam. Except for a hot running engine (radiator), suggested break-in, 2000ish RPM, 20 minutes, done deal. Used ZDDPlus additive, provided cam 'paste', and 30wt VR-1. Did NOT change oil, until I had 500 miles on the engine...and, like I said, all's well. Just choices.
Pistons, and cylinder walls, as said use a ball hone on the cylinder walls, maybe all of 'em, as long as the scoring isn't too bad. The pistons need a good look over, for metal particles embedded in the skirts, ring lands, blah, blah. If nothing major, get the metal off the pistons, smooth off things, and they will go another round. But, look them over good!
Everybody has their own way of doing things...good luck!