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Car Show pet peaves

I do just go to enjoy myself which I do. The only think I dont like is people leaning on my car. It takes me time to clean it and I hope most respect that. Ron
Man, I was at a good show on Sunday. Surrounded by car people and lots of Mopars. Not perfect, but fewer idiots than on the freeway or at the local restaurant. Lots of good conversation - even with the Chevy guys. View attachment 205688 Dumb, happy and near my mighty Mopar.
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I go to local shows mostly and don't have a problem win or lose because I just like to show my cars and truck and its a good feeling to know I did most of my own work. I've never been that guy that has got to win I just think that would take all the fun out of it. I'm very lucky and have been into Mopars forever so I have a varity of vehicles from numbers matching to clones to a 57 D100 pushbutton. I will stay until I'm ready to go weather the awards ceremony has happened or not and I have friends that like to stay that have been pictured picking up trophys for me if I'm lucky that day. Not something thats a pet peev but I will say If you've got a mopar in a row of chevells or camaros and its peoples choice show you won't be getting any hardware the numbers are just against us, but people will spend more time looking and asking questions about our cars due to their rarity and how in your face the colors and styling were then. If its a big show its going to be a Mopar show and I clean my stuff because thats just how i want it. Again I'll answer questions good or from obvious goobers who had a 383 Hemi. I've had my cars judged just so I can see what I can do better and to get an idea what others see. The pickups the most fun cause even at Mopar shows its a one of a kind and its gonna attract attention and people are just happy around it. Its kind of funny because when I bring the 70 six pack shaker car I get kind of a snob vibe and a lot of people are reluctant to talk to you. I guess I need one of them fancy plackards that says hey its all right I got into it before they were worth something. One more thing if I see a young guy or gal showing an interest I try to I will answer questions and give them any help I can because I know there the future of our hobby.
I like car shows...I would be liar if I said I did not want a trophy or an award....it is fun win or not...

But it feels good to know someone thinks your car is of significance

I am just as happy if a buddy wins!!!


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I see plenty have liked your car, congrats:headbang:
I only go to cruise ins for the following reasons:

1. they usually start at 3 or 4pm meaning the rest of the day can be used for something else.
2. It doesn't cost anything but the drive compared to a car show that charges a registration fee.
3. I can go and stay as long as I want.
4.the drawings are just as good as any car show I have been to.
5 the people are more laid back in my opinion
I could never understand why some car shows charge money to put your car in the show. I would think it would be free to bring your car so others can have a closer look. I know that many are for charities but they wouldn't have a event if it weren't for the iron we bring. It costs large to prep a car and gas it up for a show. Then they want money?
I only go to cruise ins for the following reasons:

1. they usually start at 3 or 4pm meaning the rest of the day can be used for something else.
2. It doesn't cost anything but the drive compared to a car show that charges a registration fee.
3. I can go and stay as long as I want.
4.the drawings are just as good as any car show I have been to.
5 the people are more laid back in my opinion

I went to what I thought was a cruise in last weekend and it turned out to be a show costing $10.00 but at the end of the day it was a huge turn out (200 ish) with some super cool rides and much to my surprise my Charger trophied :headbang:. Oh yeah, the trophy (plaque) says cruise in right on it??? Your right Sonny, even if you don't care about trophies it feels good for others to choose your ride.
I agree, ive never even entered one but yes, and to have yours picked is super and to have younger ones coming up to the hobby, Its cool to show them what you can do if you put your mind to it! Lots of work but the end really justifies just how cool and fun it can be to build, enter and place... Very nice Dev! Congrats!
As for the car shows are concerned, most of this stuff you gotta take with a grain of salt. Sure, we HAVE ALL been to the shows and seen some useless cars that didn't belong there, such as the 1984 Ford Crown Vic that I saw recently (all stock, no mods at all). Or the brand spanking new Charger or Vette.
I write it off to the fact that car shows ARE FOR EVERYBODY. And everybody deserves to be there - LIKE IT OR NOT. If a guy has a stock 78 Monte Carlo that you don't like, then simply WALK BY IT OR DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME LOOKING AT IT OR THINKING ABOUT IT.
EVERYBODY wants to be part of SOMETHING. DON'T THINK FOR ONE MINUTE THAT THE GUYS (or gals) DRIVING THE STOCK NON SHOW WORTHY JUNK WOULD NOT PREFER TO BE DRIVING A CLASSIC MOPAR, FORD or GM. It could simply be that they can't afford one, yet they still wanna hang out. I can't fault a guy for that. In a small, but kinda weird way, they are still SUPPORTING US.

Besides the ones that ask me TRULY DUMB QUESTIONS (such as "is my 70 Road Runner REALLY A GTO???"), my pet peeves would be the "touchy/feely" kids with little or NO parental supervision or best yet - THE MYSTERY JUDGES. These are the guys that one NEVER SEES. You never get asked questions about your car either from the MYSTERY JUDGES. So its no SURPRISE WHEN YOU LOSE.

I was at a show last weekend and was beat out by a 73 Pontiac Super Duty Trans Am. Admittedly it was a nice car, but this guy NEVER even raised his hood. My Road Runner has had the engine compartment AND the undercarriage detailed and yet I lost to this guy. SURPRISINGLY, a group of CHEVY GUYS who were nearby were pissed off that I lost out to this Pontiac!!!

So I guess running around to the new cameros crowd and asking them if their car had hellcat motor is bad? Lmao I did
Ahh the vin police.... it's like they're on a scavenger hunt and the first one to figure out that the thing between the fenders isn't 10000% matching to the tag in the windshield (door jamb in my case) and announce it to you and everyone standing near you gets a big shiny prize

I hear ya on that one. My Charger is a real R/T, with the original block, however I changed it from an auto to a 4 speed. My car is a driver, still needs some work, but I enjoy it no matter what anybody thinks. I do go to a few shows but not for trophies, I like to talk to others, check other cars etc. Every time I take it somewhere, people are always looking at it or asking questions, but you mentioned the "Vin police", a guy came by and said "hay that is not a real factory 4 speed, I know those things." Then he walked away, I said ya, I know that......... I wonder what he was driving or working on ?
I have almost no experience with car shows but i did witness this. I have a good friend who is now i retired rock musician who was well regarded for his musical abilities. He made it in the business big. He has a 84 Lamborginia Contach that is really in perfect condition. Now this guy is what modest and humble is all about and what happened was there was a fairly new Lambo at the show and my friend went over to approach the guy and talk about the car. The guy totally blew him off and was just plain rude. It struck me as ironic as my buddy has more talent in his pinky finger then that jerk had in his entire body yet the that guy thought his **** didnt stink because he had a expensive car
went to 2 car shows last week and got some love....this week
went to 1 show 600 cars! 4 trophies (were awarded) , 3 went to chev;s and 1 went to a GT0....

mopars were present & were awesome .... people checking them out, BUT no cigar
E's 63 & my '63 were checked out contently .
we had a great time just B S'ing with everyone...E, looked great in his "B Bodies only cap!"

:upside down::happy7::icon_confused::eusa_think:


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Car shows were never really a goal or even something I really thought about when I was building mine but it has turned out to be a fun way for me and my daughter to go out for the day, enjoy some cool folks and get some good grub........ Oh yeah and cruise in the Charger. I've noticed that whether or not I trophy depends on the age of the judges haha, the only notable trophy I got was at a show where they had some younger judges and I did quite well as a result. As far as the kids getting close to the car goes I just let them get in and play around (leaves a better impression on the little guys). Here's a pic of mine at a show

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I have almost no experience with car shows but i did witness this. I have a good friend who is now i retired rock musician who was well regarded for his musical abilities. He made it in the business big. He has a 84 Lamborginia Contach that is really in perfect condition. Now this guy is what modest and humble is all about and what happened was there was a fairly new Lambo at the show and my friend went over to approach the guy and talk about the car. The guy totally blew him off and was just plain rude. It struck me as ironic as my buddy has more talent in his pinky finger then that jerk had in his entire body yet the that guy thought his **** didnt stink because he had a expensive car

You'll always have the asses no matter where you go, not me I always try to be a nice guy.
You and Sonny have a couple very cool looking rides there Devin!!! Both should have a trophy on top of the car, ok, at least sitting in the front! :)
My buddy John and I went to a local show Sunday--John's car is a beautiful 67 Hemi GTX. Neither of us got an honorable mention (no big deal, just really enjoyed the show) but out of 10 awards, there were 3 Camaros and a fiberglass T-bucket with a small block Chevy engine; 'nuff said!


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I dont mind car shows but i don't go to be judged or take it very serious. The last show i went to i left my Charger only to come back and find some guy sitting on my front fender. I mean his legs were dangling! I walked up to him and said i know my cars fenders look nice park benches but why the hell are you sitting on my car! He laughed and said "well you can sit on my car anytime you want" Uhh, his car was a 80's lebaron FYI. Only because he thought he was being cute i tore into him. My words after that were chosen wisely as he then knew how i felt about it. What a jerk!
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