They got there codes locked down pretty tight. Only loophole I could find would be an enclosed trailer. But I'm not dropping 5 grand on one. After reading this it looks like I'll have to find a place to store the car until I move. Which sucks, but is better then it going to a scrapper
"When the city has contracted with or granted a franchise to any person(s), such person(s) may remove a vehicle from a highway or from private or public property, after a determination by a designated employee or officer, that the vehicle or part is abandoned. Such person or persons may enter upon private or public property, subject to warrant requirements under law, to remove or cause the removal of a vehicle or part pursuant to the provisions of this chapter."
" Pursuant to authority under Vehicle Code Section 22660, if a designated employee or officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a vehicle or part has been abandoned, or that a wrecked, dismantled, or inoperative vehicle or part has been parked, stored or left on public or private property in violation of the provisions of this chapter, the designated employee or officer may abate and remove the vehicle or part as a public nuisance in accordance with the procedures prescribed in this chapter. (Ord. 99-948 § 2, 1999)"
I cant believe they actually have the right to tow a vehicle out of my own driveway. Pretty damn absurd. At least I'll get a 15 day notice if it happens. I need to move out to the sticks