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Do people just walk into your house like they do in TV shows?

Kern Dog

Life is full of turns. Build your car to handle.
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
9:40 AM
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Granite Bay CA
You see this all the time in Sitcoms and movies....Some friend just opens the door and walks into the apartment or house.
I am not a fan of that.
I'm not in a bad area. I'm on a dead end street and we don't get much traffic. Our garage door is usually open and used as the main entrance so friends and family come in that way.
I have a few friends that do this. It isn't like I'm naked on the couch when they show up but it still is annoying.
There is a standard understanding with everyone that comes here. Call or text when you're on you're way. Almost everyone does do this so it isn't really a shock when they come in.
Does this happen to you?
We had that happen once with a neighbor we didn't care for. It was a weird experience.
An easy solution would be to close the garage doors.
Never, for one thing it's rude and another thing it's dangerous for the asshole that walks through my door unannounced! 440'
Our garage door is usually open
Our neighbours across the road have on occasion inadvertently left their garage door wide open all night. Being the goodly neighbour I am, I usually go over and knock on their door and let them know. It has happened with the previous occupiers of the house going back 20 years now....must be a peculiarity with the door press button.

Anyway....one afternoon, my wife & I went out for a drive, and came back at dark o'clock. I pointed out to my wife that the door across the road was still open...as it had been when we left. The house is multi-level, and the garage door is effectively remote from the living areas by a small staircase with internal doors top & bottom.

So I said to my wife, I'll just pop over and let them know .....didn't have their phone number at that time. So I knock on the door.....again, and again, and again. Managed to get the attention of several other neighbour dogs while knocking, but not the occupants attention in the slightest..

So I thought....I'll bang on the window next to the front door...as I was under the impression it was their bedroom window. Well, nek minute, J**** is peering at me through the front door glass side window in his boxers.....opens the door seemingly dazed, and asks "what's up?"
When I told him, he rushed off downstairs to hit the garage door button. Problem solved.

Not quite....then his wife comes to the front door wearing not much more.....and starts chatting to me, with this 'guilty' look on her face. It was quite weird, and yet somehow pleasant. :D

Me suspects that I interrupted something there...... :bananadance:

Anyhoo...they both thanked me, and quietly shut the door....and off I went home.

Wifey asked what happened. To which I replied....not much :lol:

Sorry KD....that doesn't answer your question, but somehow seemed relevant. :rofl:

Most people coming to my place wait outside to be invited in. Mainly because I am standing at the door on a higher level, and looking menacingly at them. JW's get the full wrath of my presence....even the old ladies that try and weedle their way in. :)

PS....I have the neighbour's cell phone number now. :drinks:
Not even family members just "walk" in my house. It's just how we were raised, & it's common sense, isn't it?
P.S. I've heard somewhere that common sense isn't so common anymore.
at their own risk

No way.. anyone that knows us knows we're armed. Bad move.
eldubb, that's a great picture. Looks like a still-shot from a killer-dog B-movie. Pits are great dogs. Our Pug would just lick them to death.
My daughter does occasionally, but she is very cautious. She walked in one day and I was ready for her with my grandsons fully automatic nerf gun.
We had a neighbor from across the street do that once at our old house a long time ago. She came over on a Sunday afternoon while we were lounging in front of the TV and started to walk in the front door completely unannounced and unexpected. We weren't naked, but not exactly dressed for company either. She never did that again, but it also got my wife in the habit of making sure the front door stays locked even when we're home. We're on 5 acres surrounded by woods near the end of a quiet street now and can barely hear or see our neighbors so we get rarely get random visitors anymore - just the way I like it.
Never. I made sure to tell a known gossiper in the area that I am an armed, medicated, combat veteran with a rifle and an attitude. And Zero sense of humor. She has apparently told everyone. Works for me.

EDIT: Well...plus there's this guy...110lbs of "don't even try it..." He's trained to never bite anyone until AFTER they come in....he's not here to keep anyone out...he's here to make damn sure they don't get out after coming on...

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Nope not where I live
We are on a private lane that the county has nothing to do with. So we have to maintain it, clear the snow etc.
Our houses are very spread out so nobody walks much. We don't have a lot of traffic. Having said that if someone shows up we know it and nobody just walks in
12 years old and walked into my grandparents home one afternoon. Never did that again !
Not even family members just "walk" in my house. It's just how we were raised, & it's common sense, isn't it?
P.S. I've heard somewhere that common sense isn't so common anymore.
X2 and well said!
Growing up there were always motorcycles parked all over near the house. Anyone who came to the house had to weave their way through the tangle to get to the door. Never had anyone bold enough to walk in...
My wife did a surprise visit, traveled home a few days earlier for my birthday at 11pm.
Even she rang the doorbell, so she wouldn't be mistaken as an intruder. Lol.
I usually leave my door unlocked, but friends and family always knock first, it's a courtesy.
No one I know would do it here.....and we don't have guns.....cant imagine why anyone would do it there!! Its just manners.....I could be doing anything!! That said I have the type of doors that are always locked from the outside if they are shut....so I would have to leave the door actually open for someone to walk in.
I have one friend that does it. Drives my wife crazy. He doesn't come over much anymore, but rides his bike across town and will open my fence gate and come in. My son almost drew down on him one day because he didn't recognize him.
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